[Music] Playing in the Dark (Patreon)
More music practice! This time using Sunvox, which is a free (except on mobile) music creation/tracker app that runs on basically anything. It's incredibly deep, and I'm just scratching the surface here. There's soooo much to play around with. And it's layout and features really intrigue both my creative and programmer sides, haha. There's almost a visual scripting component to it, it's pretty wild!
This song was my first real attempt to capture a mood in a piece, based around some foreboding news related to my dayjob. I've been dealing with it ever since then, but this sorta captured my initial response to it: dark, but still hopeful (to a degree). Even when things are miserable, when times seem darkest, you can still play through it all.
Also I love the guitar sound I found for this, I wanna use it again sometime. XD I think my style is just going to hover around dungeon synth/video game music, lol.