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So I had the urge to work on things last night, but the universe conspired against me so I only had about an hour left before I had to get to bed for work. So what did I do?

I tried to animate as much as I could in exactly one hour. XD I did go over by a few minutes, but this wasn't bad for the amount of time I had! It's very loosely based on an old Dragon's Lair II death animation, Where a snake is holding Dirk by his arms like that, before stuffing him down...It's only about 1 second long, but it's really stuck with me over the years since seeing it as a kid!

I know I can do better for it, with some more dynamic movement and some more vore-related aspects, haha. ♥ So far so good! I just need the belly bounce and final pose with squirming belly...No idea when I'll come back to this one, but it was a lot of fun for something done so fast! I should try to do that more...

Otter in this one is the long tailed otter Jay, using his tail to hold someone stead and pull them into his jaws~

Jay (c) himself




it's really amazing how much you got done in such a short time!

Cat vs

quickly stuffed


Immediately packed away!! <3


Damn, you're already getting timing down so well. XD