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CW: Hard/rough digestion, bone bulges; fatal/disposal implications all over the place in attached zip file!

Forest is nothing if not accommodating, and he loves to play into what makes someone squirm/blush...And sometimes, when it's a very cute treat with some very particular buttons to push, he can lean very heavily into them...As is the case with Rory here! That otter girl didn't last long in wuff guts, but he could tell from her embarrassed, flustered squirming as she churned in him that this is right where she belonged...Sagging heavily in his gut~

Yeah, I went so heavy with the teasing here I'm gonna separate it off into it's own folder, which I've attached to this post! Mind the Content Warnings and feel free to check those out if you'd like! ♥

I can tell the amount of time between sketches here, as I swapped tablets and improved on my style quite a bit between shots...Heck, even started drawing the wuff's hair differently by the time I finished this. XD Still, as always, it was a blast to work on, and I learned a lot...Mainly that I wanna do more sequences like this, with more digestion shots, haha.

Rory (c) Wuff intestines/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/roryott/ 



Cat vs

Such hot stuff going on in the bedroom~