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CW: AV, implied multiprey, wuff prey in last picture, lots of butt?

This was a bunch of sketches from before Christmas that I did for a certain squirrel! I'm not sure how taur stuff came up while we were talking, but they did, and then I went and doodled like 4 pages of random ideas. XD To be fair it's not actually that many sketches, but squirrel taurs are BIG, so he takes up a lot of space. X3 No, I don't know how to frame things properly on the page so I don't use up too much room on the canvas.

Not done AV in a good while too! Lil' bit of everything in this one, haha.

Shirt in the first one says "Holiday Back-up Sleigh", though I don't think he's going to be "dashing" through any snow with a belly like that. X3

Jit (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jeschke/ 




T-that bellysquish in the last one is so good