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Hey, I'm still technically on time in my time zone... XD Decided to work on some Halloween costumes!

First off, we've got Forest, dressed as my current fave Guilty Gear character, Leo Whitefang! I wanted to pull off the pose and the shading as best as I could, so I'm hoping that came across in the final product...Honestly? I'm a bit proud of that one. XD Definitely a lot of fun to work on!

Next up is Fomo's costume! In my headcanon, Forest used up all the money on his costume so Fomo had to go more classical with his...So here he is as a mummy! A sexy mummy? >.>; Definitely a hungry one, at least! The shading on this one was even more extreme than the other picture, and then folks wanted a belly added, so I had to edit that in too... XD

Regardless! Hope you all had a great Halloween! Thanks for supporting my silly nonsense here, haha. ♥

I'll upload the timelapses tomorrow, I'm beat. XD




*Eep* Forest looks quite good with a lil' goatee scruff'n extra cheek fluff... Also Fomo ain't looking to shy either!