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Haven't done a lot lately, but I did manage a few character sketches for folks!

First up is Joey, who's trying to bulk up for his training, so he goes to the best doctor he knows of for advice!

Unfortunately, they're not around so he gets Dock instead. X3 Don't worry, I'm sure he can be trusted! Probably!

And next is some gryphon (griffon? How do you spell that?) practice with Nido's Nicron, who's a cute gryph and sometimes hero that I wanna do more with, but I need to figure out how to draw him first. X3 I think I'm getting there, haha.

And finally, here's Atlas, who I've been meaning to give a shot ever since chatting more with his creator...More hungry mice is always fun, right? X3 And Atlas sure seems to have a taste for curves~

Thanks to these fine folks for letting me draw their characters:

Joey (c) https://twitter.com/wah_joey 

Nicron (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nidonocu/

Atlas (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/z4e 




Both spellings are valid, I use the 'yph' one myself x3