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What started out as a sketch for a silly idea that popped into my head while talking to Katie turned into a full blown picture, haha. I like to tease friends, especially close friends, and while joking about how Katie should get a red hoodie, this scenario came to mind! I just had to draw it.

Though, she did ask me if I could "last through the role play [of being a Big Bad Wuff] without eating me on the spot?"

...Nope! But that's clearly just a wuff getting into character anyway~ ♥

Katie (c) Trill_Valent




Oh gosh this is really well done! The drool. Katie just blushing there the bright red to contrast the dark blues just so good!

Jay Ednor (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 06:47:32 Goshhh <3
2022-06-02 15:35:13 Goshhh <3

Goshhh <3

Yemata Flufflebat

Well we know where little red will be heading soon.