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These were all done during a patreon stream the other day! It was a real wild time, between finishing up the Avida picture, and the fact that I tried to have the wuff devour as many folks as I could...That's why these are all so messy. XD It was good practice though, in regards to getting ideas out on paper without fretting over how things look, or the flow of poses and whatnot...Even if I got more "technical" with things in the later pictures, lol.

I started out with Frosty, cause he's always a good one to get my hunger going! I wanted to show the wuff gulping him down so fast he's still surprised when he sloshes down to curl up his belly, and I kinda got that? It was a warm-up sketch but it's something I want to delve into more at some point! Making things more cartoony would really enhance my style I think.

Next up, Kanin volunteered to- Aaaaand he's gone. X3 Didn't even get to raise his paw before he was that deep in wuff guts, haha. ❤

Levina was around, and I've been meaning to have a taste of a peach vixen for aaaaaages now! So here's Forest going to a coffee shop and not ordering coffee. The food around there is real great though~ ❤

Next up, Jahan had to leave the stream to go to a meeting, so I helped him out...Kinda? At least he doesn't have to go, and he seems quite pleased by the development if nothing else.

...I'm trying to recall why Guzzle was volunteered, but anyway, a Wild Guzzle has been caught! He's being put into (pudge) storage though~

And finally, ended on Trissie cause she's a delightful treat, and I always have fun "hiding" her diamond marking around a wuff whenever he tucks her away...I'm sure no one will notice! Probably. >.>;;

Thanks everyone who dropped by the stream! I wish I could've done more, and hey, maybe I'll try to do more folks next stream! Though not up to what I consider my usual quality, the fast sketches went pretty well, and chat seemed to enjoy themselves, so it was a win overall.

Hope you all had a Happy Easter! ❤

Frosty (c) lukesnowcat
Kanin (c) aventyverbunny
Levina (c) sohmakitsune
Jahan (c) renor
Guzzle (c) guzame
Trissie (c) tristanhawthorne




very nice forest!