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CW: Goopy digestion and internals on last picture!

Actually managed to do a Patreon stream the other day! Lasted a few hours, and got a few pictures done too...Made some folks happy, so it was successful if you ask me. X3

First up we have Timothy, a cute curvy mouse in a hoodie, who was raised by cats! So he's definitely got a predatory streak to him. Predatory mice are always fun, as you all know by now. X3

Next up is Shade, a kitty Fomo's been wanting to eat, er, meet, since he first saw him! They're clearly getting to know each other well. Yep!

And finally we've got Maven going wuff spelunking again! They're quite familiar with wuff guts at this point, but it seems like they're extra eager this time around...Already sloshing down as they reach the bottom of his belly? Barely enough time to go show off that treecat heft before they're just extra softness on his gut~

A very productive stream, all things considered!

Timothy (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/veadeospiele/

Shade (c) himself

Maven (c) Wuff bowels / https://www.furaffinity.net/user/maventreecat/



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