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How does one go about taking time off from a personal venture like this? It's not like at a normal job where you can just schedule it, or at least it feels that way...I struggle a lot with Patreon-type funding because it's almost like a constant valuation of my work, at least in my head. XD If you let it get away from you it can be a constant source of stress...

But I'm working on it, on being okay with doing a bit less than what I expect of myself, and I know the majority of you all are here to help support me no matter what I work on, which I'm eternally grateful for. ❤ I try not to stress on keeping a specific output of art, but instead focus on the quality of my work as much as I can...I hope that shows.

In any case! Consider this a notification that there might not be a huge amount of updates this coming month. I'm going to keep drawing of course, and want to finish a few ideas I've had, but the second half of September was very rough, both physically and time-wise (and financially, technically), and I just need some time to recover. XD

So! If you need to/want to drop out for the next month, feel free to, and I don't really mind at all! I appreciate the support all the same, and I'll be back into full swing soon I'm sure.

Thanks and take care everyone!


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