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We're into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE with Fo-February this year!  Gonna squeeze in some more here at the end, haha. Probably two?  We'll see!

Oggy was a cutie who seems to have some plans for him and the mouse, buuuut seeing that rodent eyeing him with hunger led to his plans changing...Though, well, this was Fomo's plan from the start. X3

More sentient fat, and another try at melty digestion!  Think I'm getting the hang of it, but maybe I should go further?  Hmm...

In any case, I'm glad I managed this one, but I think I'm slowing down... XD Been drawing a ton this month and I think I'm finally wearing down!  Gonna take a short break after I finish these last ones, and then I'll get back into MouseCakes and such!

Oggy (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/theretrovilatedone/

Fomo (c) me



Jason (SinGage)

Ik I'd play with that jiggly mouse haha