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Just a lil warm-up sketch I did a while back for Mary-Rose!  She's a good hippo.

It's interesting trying to use my style to draw animal-types I never really get to!  Hippos are one of those that are a challenge for sure, haha.  She seemed to like it, so.. ❤ I (like always) feel like I could do better... XD But I've been told I need to accept that doing something is better than not doing anything at all (not even from someone who knows my artwork mind you), so I'm going to try to embrace that as much as I can!  I did something, I drew a fat hippo, I can do anything!  Raaargh!

*draws more vore* X3

More good stuff to come!

Mary-Rose(c) https://twitter.com/thetwohippos




Mary-Rose is a good hippo. You have done a good.