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So!  I've been digging in my piles upon piles of old artwork that I hate looking at, and realized there was a period of time where I drew every single night when I couldn't sleep.  Some vorish stuff, some not so much, but there's over 100 of these pages that no one's really seen, dating back to around 2010 or so. XD

I'll need to go through them cause there's a lot of depressive nonsense in there (I wasn't doing so hot for a while back in the day), but theres' a lot of silly good stuff in here too!  So I'll be tossing these up for Throwback Thursday every now and then, to keep things going and to give a peek at where I started when it comes to all this furry stuff.

First up is a few of the early pages!  No context for any of these, so if you're confused or curious feel free to ask, even if I probably don't remember why I drew what I did. XD Really, especially for that last one, lol.  Geeez.




Kool Aid man pred, oh no... l3


Beats restless turning in bed and its good practice. I might start doin that too.


They say it's better to get up and do something instead of laying in bed not sleeping! It helps to "reset" and try to sleep again.


Hey, thanks for the advise!