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It's been a long time coming, but here's the cover image for the next story arc!  Picking up where the last story arc left off, with Fomo and Alice and her family, we'll get to see more about them, and figure out exactly what she did to the mouse too.  It's all gonna be real silly, you can count on that much at least. X3

I streamed this one for my $15+ patrons, and I'm glad they helped me decide on doing this version instead of the one I originally wanted to do!  This one has nothing to do with the actual story coming up, but it was a fun one to put together, lol.  And even in color too!

Geez that's a gaping maw alright...

Mouse-Less Version below:



Meddwynn Ravencroft (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 20:32:48 Obviously the second image is my favorite! I -really- love Alice. <3
2019-06-02 16:38:49 Obviously the second image is my favorite! I -really- love Alice. <3

Obviously the second image is my favorite! I -really- love Alice. <3