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Much delayed, but its MouseCakes once again! Alice steps in as she hears the plans of her siblings, and doesn't seem too pleased about the whole thing. While older and younger sister argue, Fomo jumps at the chance to get another snack of his own. I think the poor kitty boy was too shocked to really yell out for help... XD

I had fun with this one, and its been a long while since I've done a rumpfirst shot like this! Went for a more difficult one than than my original idea, and like how it turned out for the most part. As always, I'm still learning. X3 I may go back and fix that gulp on the bottom right too, maybe make it bigger...Hmm...

Also, I'm trying out something with the text, to make it a little easier to follow who's saying what...What do you all think? Should I keep it on more confusing pages like this? Or do something entirely different? Maybe different shaped word balloons for different people (square vs. rounded for instance)? Let me know!

As always, thanks for the support. <3




That predatory look while swallowing that cat's tail looks so good~ |3


I think attaching the names as you have works well. It makes it clear which off-screen person is speaking without being too intrusive. Plus like, with different shaped word balloons it wouldn't quite tell you which is who without forcing names into the dialogue itself, or making it so that person always has that shape of word balloon to be identifiable, or some other indicator that might risk being more out of place.


I wanted it. I asked for it. And now that it's happening, I find myself concerned about Fomo's tactics. Ah well, he's the experienced predator, not me. One down, two to go :D