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Hey everyone! Hope you're doing alright today. Thank you all for your support, I truly appreciate it! <3 Just had a few things on my mind today:

I've been thinking about changing up some patreon rewards, particularly for the tiers and goals. First off, I love doing MouseCakes, but with things as they are, and my need to do other work as well, I'm not sure if "Two MouseCakes a week" is really plausible for me at this point in time. If/when I do manage two in one week, that's basically my entire drawing time for the week, plus a few sketches here and there.

I'm wondering if anyone would have an issue with it being one MouseCakes a week, plus one more comic/finished piece? Be it another MouseCakes, or some other idea I've had, or a commission comic! Would that be a deal breaker for anyone? This would guarantee MouseCakes would still keep running, but also allow for a bit more flexibility otherwise to do other things. Like maybe more color work. XD

Secondly, I am thinking about adding textless comics to the high resolution files I put out every month! That would be on the $10+ tier. I was considering it at the $5+ tier, but I'd end up having to make multiple posts with each one (or cluttering up the description section with another, almost identical image), so I'm not sure I like that. It'd be easiest to put it with the download every month instead. Just an extra reward for your support.

Last, should I do tutorials of some kind? XD I feel like I get notes about sometimes, and its always hard to explain in text, but probably easier to show/post examples. I'm not sure if what I do is all that great or impressive, and how much interest there'd actually be in that. The way I do text balloons is kind of unique, and maybe layouts too? I dunno! Just tossing ideas out there.

Have a great day everyone! :D



I have no issue with MouseCakes slowing down, so long as the train doesn't stop! You're the only long-form vore comic I know of, and I neeeed more, haha. XD Are the textless comics still visible to lower tiers/free tiers? Tutorials are always fun! I don't have much of an opinion on those though.

Nin Folf

Sounds good to me!


Dropping to one a week will help with burnout, so I'm all for that. As for tutorials, dunno! If you think you have the time and something to contribute, go for it. Just don't tie it to a goal on Patreon and you should be good!


I was wondering about that! I mean, I could do it for lower tiers, I'm just not sure the best format for that, which is why I've been thinking the $10+ tier! I dunno though!


Got no issue with any of this! If you choose to do tutorials, I'll certainly watch them and LEARN. As Humbug said, if you've got the drive and time, then yeah, would be awesome :3


Go for it! One comic per week is better than no comic, and it'd be nice to see what else you work on with the added free time &lt;3


If I could how to draw even a fraction as well as you do that would be amazing x3


Dropping down to one MC a week sounds great if it means you'll have time to crank out more variety! A lot of other artists I follow post little tutorials and those seem to be appreciated. It'd be cool to see how you do things.