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This was a very silly idea I had, with my 4 main characters (the ones representing me, anyway) discussing, at least in an offhand way, about their own orientation/preferences!  Because I don't think I've ever come out and said it about any of them, honestly.  I mean, not that it's vital, as I've written them it shouldn't matter (sexuality isn't a huge part of my work, admittedly), but I'm sure it'd come up eventually, and so as not to confuse anyone...

And I believe that people shouldn't have to hide who they are regardless.  Whether you agree with them or not, that's a miserable way to live if you ask me.

Anyway!  Forest, Fomo, Noel and Rawr get a few drinks and start chatting about things.  Forest and Fomo are pretty set, Noel is...Well, Noel, I'm not sure he really knows what they're talking about. XD  Rawr kind of deflects the question, but that's to be expected of him: He's basically the artist as a big dinosaur guy, so he's as unsure about things as I am.

And he's always hungry, so that doesn't help.  Foxes are a favorite of his in that regard... >.>;

Also I should note: that was totally Noel's milkshake. XD

Happy Pride Month!  <3




One way or another, it always comes back to foxes, huh? X3

Stouts (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 20:36:23 Damn right you know some sexy foxes! *FLEXES!* D:&lt;
2018-06-24 17:14:57 Damn right you know some sexy foxes! *FLEXES!* D:<

Damn right you know some sexy foxes! *FLEXES!* D:<


These hungry boys do me a big concern.

SpottedSqueak (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 20:36:23 Oooh, right, you're a fox too, huh? ...X3 &lt;3
2018-06-24 22:40:43 Oooh, right, you're a fox too, huh? ...X3 <3

Oooh, right, you're a fox too, huh? ...X3 <3