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Wanted to share something I'm excited about and currently working on: I call it Pred Party!

It's a game idea combining arcade-y minigames, VN/adventure game features, and lots of vorish goofiness. X3 I've been working on a design doc for it and making these mock layouts really helped, and made me realize the full scope of what I'd like to do...And it's quite a lot, haha.

Basically, you choose a pred (currently only Fomo or Terith are planned), who is tasked with keeping a party full of preds happy (birthday party, pool party, etc.)! You'll have objectives in the form of collectables and quests (such as "feed x number of preds", or "collect all ginger ale before Forest gets into it"), and of course you can eat folks. Make it through the whole night while completing your objectives! Try not to eat everyone in the party!

However! It'd be boring to just click a button and gulp someone; when you're a smaller pred like Fomo, overpowering someone is usually out of the question. Besides, he's known for his sass, confidence, and teasing...So when attempting to eat someone (or resist being eaten), you play a minigame! I'm still debating on exactly how the minigame is chosen, but I have a series of options to choose how you attempt to coerce someone down your throat, such as Teasing, Taunting, or Grapple, with games related to each. As you can see from the screenshots, I imagine they'll play out much like those minigames in Undertale did, but with a bit more variety (hopefully). Depending on what you choose (or the opponent's actions), you may play an RPG mini battle, a fishing minigame, a racing game, or, like in the screenshot, a short chase style game.

Your "life" in this game is willpower, cause if it gets too low, you're going in a belly. Wear down your opponent's before you give in to their hunger! You must also manage your hunger, which I imagine can be replenished by either picking up food items, or snacking on random guests throughout the night.

There's a lot more to this that I need to elaborate on, including not every NPC being prey. In the case of the above, you're arguing with Jay over eating someone else, so if Fomo wins that battle Jay would simply leave them and not chase that specific prey. I'm shooting for user preferences as well, including digestion/endo, reforming (multiple lives) or not, Pred only, prey only, etc. I think I can handle most all of those well enough, and even hardcode in specific character to never be prey, or only be prey! Furthermore, I would very much like to have a prey-only user preference, where it's totally okay (and encouraged) to get eaten. In cases like those, the objectives might change to "feed yourself to x number of preds", and other related quests.

There's...A lot I have planned. XD I'm hoping I have this scoped out well enough, and compartmentalized enough to be able to work on it in chunks, but we'll just have to see, haha.

Let me know what you all think! Is this a fun idea? Would you look forward to updates on this? Am I aiming too high? Maybe?? X3



Jahan Renor

oh this seems fun~!


Color me intrigued!