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To see what Bee's referencing: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mousecakes-87-of-71908713

Aaaand we're back! It's like we've never left, really! X3 I found this unfinished page from last year, started right before the very first Moobun Milk and Thigh Drive work, redid a bunch of it, and cleaned it up for posting! It's always surprising to see how much my style has changed over the course of a year or so, and while I'm glad to finally be back into this, it's been much too long.

I apologize for the sudden massive breaks between pages, and I know a lot of folks were itching to see this whole story arc play out...Hopefully now we'll get to! I plan on making MouseCakes a focus, as often as I can, and I'll try to keep you all up to date on what's going on.

In any case, here's Aurora and Bee trying to get back onto topic (they were meeting up to look for Forest, remember?), but Bee's got one more question about the other wuff that's supposed to be meeting them there. Wonder what he's been up to...?




So excited for more Mousecakes!