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Hello, furs and friends! Wanted to let you know I've been working hard on the content here for patreon so you guys can enjoy it! But it seems I'm running into a bit of a roadblock here in terms of posting the updates for this animation project.

Do any of you know how yo upload videos via a link or something? I have a view in dropbox, but it seems it doent want to work properly when I tried uploading it so you guys could see it.

I'm on like ten scenes now, and I would love to show you all, but I have no clue how to do it properly. Maybe toss me some ideas on what I should do?

Maybe I should make a post for the update and leave a link instead to the .mov? (mp4)

let me know!

P.S. I've learned that the current work I'm doing is to "padded" for what some of you are looking for in this project, so here's what I may do, just work on a "to the point" animation where the weight gain takes place, and that may help you guys get what you want.

I enjoy doing animation, but I feel hearing this news bothers me. And it would be nice if those who are wanting to just fap; get to fap. I just wanted to give context to the weight gain and make it fun to watch.

So don't worry ill give you what you want. But i will continue the work I started at the same time.



Too padded I honestly think the whole thing is cool but im an individual oh well. Any way cant wait to see more but sadly i dont know how to do that maybe make a privat share folder of a copy of the animation that then you link to the folder to vwiw?

Dave Sanders

Can you set up a new Google Drive directory specifically for Patrons and post the files there?


I think it’s possible to do the google drive like Dave said.


Take all the time you need, Battu. <3 I love the animation regardless, and all this wait is just making the weight gain section that much sweeter by the time you get to it. I want to see your form from many angles, and the cool story, before we get to the weight gain anyway. The weight gain is going to be amazing. ;)

Keda (bradlyaw08)

Megaupload seems to be common for video from those I've been subscribed to.


hmmm i may consider doing that. but they do have an upload limitation. i could maybe still make one and see what i can do.


Context is good, if padding comes with it, then let it come. The animation looks fine as is and I'm sure we can all be patient in viewing to get to the main scene, makes it all worthwhile. Plus they have like 50,000 other pieces of art to fulfull that "to the point WG" craving


I do believe the best method as stated above would be through Google drive ^^


I love the extra love and attention you're giving this animation! It's a great way of showing off your skills and it'll just make the end results much more enjoyable to see, it builds anticipation! But it's ultimately your decision to keep the extra padding or not, and either way it'll still have your lovely touch. Can't wait to see more (but I'll be patient as well)!


Oh nonsense. Take as much time as you need, I'm looking forward to seeing the whole thing. Hopefully you'll also be able to work out the kinks in the distribution/sharing.


Vimeo, used by other creator


Personally I enjoy context. It makes things hotter.


I love watching your animations Gill, so throwing in the context to it all, like I said, is SUCH a massive feat, you're giving it your all in this project and I can't be happy enough to be able to watch it happen. Yeah, getting to the meat of it all is fun, of course, but throwing in context to it really adds to it, and I know many agree with that, as others have already said <=3 Keep up the great work Gill, take all the time you need! As for what to use...I sadly don't really know, luckily others have already thrown out some ideas, hope that helps you out <=)