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Here it is!

But read the ReadMe before, it only takes one minute to do so.

1. You can load any scene, maybe a dance scene, sex scene, whatever. Click the female in the scene, and load my robot presets from looks/khajiirah/, you also could load the clothing onto your females, but because her face is different, the clothing will look weird at her face. You need a standard VaM Face at least, body could be like you want! Or simply load my Robot Preset instead from the looks.

2. After you loaded your robot look, turn off the "eye blinking/blink" and the "eye morphs" also disable the "Look at Player" in the characters  Root -> Auto Behaviors section. Otherwise she blinks and the helmet moves like it is melting.

3. After this you have the robot in your scene. You also could morph everything, but beware! It is still clothing! Try to leave the face like it is (VaM Standard Girl Face -> NO MORPHS for Face), you may change the face a bit but not the eyes, nose or mouth too much, or the robotwill look weird at this facepart. Try figure out and see how it works the best for you.

Have Fun!

- Khajiirah




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