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Hi, everyone! This is mars :D

Now that our last few months of insanity (cleaning, packing, moving!!) have finally started to settle down, we decided to start doing recaps at the end of every month. I was meant to get this up by 10/31, but time slipped away with our move. We want these posts to act as a quick look-back through the month for you all, in case there was a post you missed out on, or if you were considering swapping tiers but weren't sure just yet. We hope you enjoy these posts! ✨

(Since we are now on the other side of a huge move, we will still have some slight delays with rewards getting shipped out this month, but it shouldn't be much of an issue. I will do my usual update post about the status of the rewards so you're all in the loop :D)

Now... Let's get to it! 💪🏻

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Comic Updates

Gomorrah: Repent (pgs. 30 - 33)

Once again, Jagger finds himself surrounded by pony [play] people, and that's okay - he grew up on a ranch, remember? He can handle himself... well, unless the water's too hot. Then he whines and gets told to be quiet..... so is life! 🤠


Overkill (pgs. 25 - 28)

Rocksalt's really feeling it, Mr. Krabs. Also, we've learned that raiders are assholes AND dumbasses, which is a fantastic combo if u ask me. We dunno if our Four Armed Wonder can truly read or not, but I know we all want him big hands to Firmly Grasp us, too. 🫴🏻


Hellion (Verses 1:26 - 1:27)

After dealing with Hideous' & Grace's Disgosting behavior in the previous updates, it's nice to visit with Glory, isn't it? His hair hurts and tingles (Aoba?!) because the floor is lava (Hell Floor, if you will), he's kinda cowardly (but sweet?), and him PP out... what's not to love?! 🫀


Beast of Prey Ch. 03 (pgs. 20 - 22)

Jeriko's small annoyance with the Twin Captors has turned into Big Anger and Horntiness, and his skelly friend is ready to defend his treasure. That's okay, because Jeri teases the Big One and then threatens the Frail One. 🤤

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Physical Rewards

October 2023 Rewards

▹ Patrons pledged to Menace/Behemoth tiers during 10/01 - 10/31 will receive October's rewards.

Poll Winner: November 2023 Rewards

▹ Patrons pledged to Menace/Behemoth tiers during 11/01 - 11/30 will receive November's rewards.

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All October WIPs!

sketch: Hideous (NSFW)

test pages: Iron Hydra

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Shop Update

▹ Patrons receive a 10% off discount code with every shop update! [ SHOP ]

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Aaand that's it! We hope you enjoyed this post x)



The summaries were absolute perfection


Thanks for all your hard work!