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Hello againnnn this is mars~

Wanted to let you all know that we finally got our replacement stickers in the mail. I plan on getting them dropped off at the post office by Monday or Tuesday July 10/11. We are also including the misprinted sticker in everyone's envelopes, so get hype to receive your rewards and the overly-glittered extra sticker @w@

Oh & PSA to anyone having issues with their address getting saved properly here on Patreon. You may have to contact support & see what is up. There's not much we can do from our end, other than manually input your info when we print labels. We will continue doing our best, but if you still have issues even after contacting support, please shoot us a message here and we can write your info down for the next round of rewards.

Take care, everyone~

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Hi everyonnnee, this is mars again~

I'm here to give you an update about June's reward.

TLDR: Stickers printed incorrectly. There will be a delay in shipping these rewards. I will update this post when we have replacements & start packing/shipping them. (We might send you all the misprints along with the correct stickers too :3)

Good News: We got the prints in the mail a week or so ago & they came out GREAT! Super excited for everyone in the Behemoth tier to get those uwu

Bad News: The stickers came in the mail today & they were printed incorrectly. :) The glitter effect looks to be at 100% when Apa had requested 30%, so the design is muddied by the glitter (which sucks).

That means that there will be a delay on shipping these rewards out to everyone. We've messaged our printer & now we just wait until replacements come in the mail. Hopefully it will be within a reasonable amount of time!

We're very sorry for the delay :( As always though, we thank you for your patience & understanding. <3



Oh damn, totally understand tho.


I kinda want both tbh, any chance we can get the ultra glitter one as a bonus OuO


Well, we were considering sending everyone the incorrect and correct sticker anyway xD so, we'll see!