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CW: health / medical / hospital stuff

hey everyone, this is mars. thanks for all of your messages and comments regarding our family emergency. my mom had a heart attack while we were out of town & has been shipped off to a hospital 2 hours away. she's scheduled to have open heart surgery next week. 

Apa & I will be spending some time going back and forth, so as they mentioned: updates and correspondence will be shaky for a little while. we're doing our best to keep things on track, and we are so thankful for your understanding and support.

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Hey everyone, I have to keep this post super quick but I'll go into more detail later when I have time.

Mars (my spouse!) and I were on a family camping trip for two days, everything was chill and fine! I had Overkill and the rewards poll queued and ready to go but I forgot to add Gomorrah to that queue so my apologies for that. I just uploaded the page so it's up now!

Unfortunately on the day we left to return home, Mars received some news regarding a family emergency and we need to drop everything we're doing atm to tend to that. This means this week's Beast of Prey page will go up late, it might not be until the weekend that it's posted, I'm not entirely sure. A lot of things are up in the air atm and it's hard to say when I'll have time to sit back down at my desk and work on comics

Sorry if this post sounds rushed/is unclear. I'll do my best to clarify things later when I can. I hope you all can understand and thank you so much for your patience



Please, please take care of yourselves. Try not to worry about this stuff. I know how difficult it can be to have a parent in such a situation. I hope your Mom does well.


I wish Mars' mom a safe surgery and speedy recovery!