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Sorry for posting this twice! The other post is a "photoset" while this one is a "text post." You can zoom in the photoset but not the text post... but the photoset seems to be having issues with loading blurry images so... OTL Patreon does NOT make it easy to upload scrolling comic formats and I guess I'm learning that the hard way :') let me know which one works better for you guys? 

Despite his calls and warnings, the person on the other side of the Veil couldn't hear a single word. It's too late now! The Veil will consume anyone and anything in its path, and once you pass through it you enter the realm of Gehenna. Our friend here, now known as "Agh!! Hellwalker!!" really is doing his best to save this person from the cruel nature of Gehenna but to no avail umu Gehenna sucks the soul right out of them until they're a fragile husk! o w o


This series contains sexual content and dark themes intended for a mature audience - Viewer discretion is advised

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Mmm that angel butt

Brandon N.

Talk about giving him a hand