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uh oh, the Veil looks like it's consuming them booty first! or feet first? Personally, I'm ok heading ass first into Hell if this guy comes running for me uwu

btw! It was brought to my attention that these pages might be a little tough to read for some. I spaced out the text a little so hopefully that will make it easier on the eyes. I'm also uploading this as an image post rather than a text post so hopefully Patreon will let you zoom in on the page now.

The reason why I was uploading these as text posts is because when I first tried uploading a long image post it shrunk down the image so much that it ruined the scrolling aspect and made it difficult to read. I don't know if that's been fixed by now or maybe it's just because I'm on desktop so it looked off for me. This is also a shorter page so it might be just fine for this one. I'll continue uploading them as image posts for now unless another issue pops up >:U

One last thing! I'm going to start posting Hellion updates more sporadically rather than strictly once a week. My intention with that is to give myself more time to work on it so that I can give you guys longer comic updates. I just want to give you all a comic that's easier to follow.

I'd like to fill in the update gaps starting this month with another comic (I was thinking a Benny x Lyrik gym setting comic buuuut I'm also leaning towards one with a post apocalypse setting;;; I have.... so many comic ideas hoarded up lmao;;) but more on that later!

I'm also working on Beast of Prey ch 3 (which is starting this month) so it's a lot to juggle atm :D

-Gonna try image posts instead of text posts for Hellion so you can image zoom
-Hellion will no longer update weekly / will go up more sporadically with longer updates
-Planning on filling in the update gap with a new comic this month
-Beast of Prey ch 3 starts this month


This series contains sexual content and dark themes intended for a mature audience - Viewer discretion is advised

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Oh god they have airpods in 🏃


Being able to zoom on the picture is so nice!! This is definitely easier to read <3