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Hey everyone! I just want to give you all a quick update on what's to come, comics-wise!

- Chokechain ends on Jan 31st
- Hellion is my next comic, planning to start at the end of January or beginning of February ($5+ Cryptid tier)
- Another comic is in the works, not titled yet
- Gomorrah: Purgatory ends late February, will be followed up with another older FF comic but I haven't decided which one yet ($5+ Cryptid tier)
- Beast of Prey ch 2 continues into March, will have another side story/poll for ch 3 by that time ($7+ Beast tier)


Chokechain will be ending this month on pg 86 which is scheduled to go up on the 31st! I'M SO SAD IT'S ENDING but I'm happy to see that you all have enjoyed it so far and it was a ton of fun to work on! The inking style and color palette was especially enjoyable to work with and I love reading all your comments on each update <3

Usually Chokechain updates 2 pages at a time but since there's only 4 pages left I want to spread it out to one page at a time so that it can live out the rest of the month. That also gives me a little extra time between updates to work on my next project!

So what's next? Hellion!

As some of you might remember, I put one of my older comics "Enokan" on hiatus last year. By now, I've basically dissected the story entirely, took all my favorite parts/aesthetics/characters/etc and created a whole new story which will now be "Hellion" (to any of you who have been around since 2016?17?? "Hellion" was the original title of Enokan so this is just a little nod to that * v*)

Depending on how this month goes (irl stuff), ideally I would like to start Hellion at the end of the month. If not by that time then definitely it will start in February.

I do have another comic I'm planning down the line. It has a few elements from Enokan that I couldn't quite fit into Hellion. I haven't decided on a name yet but I'm antsy to get started on this one as well. Sorry for being so vague but I honestly don't have anything to share for it yet xD;;;; The script is outlined but I need to take some time to figure out character/environment designs. Once I get settled in to Hellion is when I'll be able to dedicate more time to this one!

And then there's Gomorrah: Purgatory!

Gomorrah will be wrapping up at the end of February on pg 88! Gomorrah originally ran on Filthy Figments back in 2015/16. I do have a few other other FF comics that I would like to share here on Patreon but I haven't decided on which one I want to do next! Whichever one comes next is likely to start updating in March or April.

Oh, and Beast of Prey! That one's still running for a couple more months. Chapter 2 will likely end in March and it will be followed up with another side story/poll like when ch1 ended and then continue to ch 3. Beast of Prey will continue for as many chapters as I can do! The monsterfucking is endless xD

So that's about it! Thank you all for the support, especially throughout Chokechain and I'm looking forward to diving in to Hellion with you all soon! <3



Ooh, sounds wonderful! So I wish you good luck with all these projects, they are all great!


I’m so excited for Hellion!!