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TL/DR: Enokan is on hiatus, Beast of Prey is moving to Thursday

Hey everyone! So, as the title says, I need a break from Enokan OTL

To put it simply, it's overwhelming. When I rebooted the story and separated it into chapters it was going to end up running for at least 14 chapters. It takes about a year or more to do a chapter so when I think too hard about it I tend to freak myself out at the thought of working on one series until I'm middle aged lmao;;;;

So I'm putting it on hiatus and idk when I'll get back to it. Even if I don't continue the full story, I still want to do mini stories or a short comic inspired by Enokan. I love Jeriko and his design for Enokan especially and I feel bad that it's been a while since you all got to see him. I want to do more with him!! and I want to draw more porn and Enokan as it is isn't porny enough 

So that's where I'm at. I'm really sorry if this comes as disappointing news to any of you. I just want to feel inspired and work on comics with a sense of excitement and peace without the looming thought of "oh god, this is going to take decades to finish" 

No Enokan update this week or next month or whenever. If you're here just to read that then be sure to reconsider renewing your pledge for next month because I dont want you to be disappointed when there's no updates;;

I appreciate all the support you all have given me, all the love you've shown for Enokan. I still love the story and characters and everything. I love what I've rewritten for the reboot and I was so excited to tell it to you all. It' just a lot.... so it really does make me sad to do this but I've honestly been struggling with it for a while and I just need a moment to breathe.

Chokechain and Beast of Prey will continue of course! I might even have more time now to do larger updates for those! For now I'm moving Beast of Prey to Thursday~

Thanks for reading and dont fret about Jeri, he is an undying menace and will return in one way or another!



Of course I’m sad for the hiatus, Enokan is an amazing story, but your health is important! You’re already doing so much, and we all love and appreciate your hard work! I hope you’re able to rest a bit more and be less stressed. Sucks that’s something that means so much to you brought you that much stress in the first place. You’re a wonderful creator that I personally find inspiration from, as an artist myself. So I’m not goin anywhere! It’s also cool that Jeri’s still gunna pop up every now and then~


I'm catching up so this is delayed, but I'm glad to hear you're taking care of yourself! I was lowkey wondering how on EARTH you were putting out SO MUCH AMAZING content SO OFTEN. There is no art without our artist, and I know we all want you and your art around for as long as possible!! so please take as much time as you need and do whatever you need to to take good care of yourself! And hey, a hiatus simply means we can focus on your other stuff and have an excuse to reread Enokan from the beginning as a refresher when it resumes in the future! Thank you so much for everything you do, you're incredible!