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just go batshit Erik, u deserve it uwu

aaaAAAAA I cant believe it's over now ; ; Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you guys enjoyed this one and thank you so much for your support throughout the making of this comic <3 It was a ton of fun to do, getting to play with so many themes and color palettes (that I'm sure will be a bitch to print in CMYK if I ever choose to do so xD;;;;;;) 

CW: swearing, violence, nudity, teratophilia, graphic sex, extreme insertion, mild body deformation


Read from beginning
Hellion's Den




Awesome! I really enjoyed this one. Thank you so much! I'm glad that he got to wreck that truck in the end.


Thank you!! Amazing job!!


The color of this comic is so lovely from the start till the end!! And the ending?? Lol like a proud demon daddy of his human baby 👏👏 so cute


I enjoyed this so much. Also I just love Charles as a character.


*sees comment about theoretical printed version* I would buy that in a heartbeat. 👀


The wrecked shall now do the wrecking


That image as he is climbing down with the juices flowing... Gorgeous.

Rachel Markwardt

I love how happy Charlie looks in that last panel. I of course went back to the beginning and read it all the way through. This one has to be my favorite, especially since it's the comic that lead me here.

Allan Meyer

Diabolical delight.


Glad he got what he wanted, but kinda amazed he was able to move at all after their *ahem* quality time together


Me @ Erik: you're doing great sweetie :')

Ghost (Rhys)

but does he go back to fuck town afterwards? lol


The little eye twitch and the gallon of cum pouring out of his ass is amazing


Awesome ending!🤩👏👏👏👏


Ahhh I can't believe its ending! I really loved this one, can't wait to see what you do next :D


Aw, this has been an absolute joy to read! Great work!


I was expecting something more violent, I'm glad it's not. Well now it's time for the second volume right? Right? RIGHT?