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August print reward technical issue

  • They look fine, mail them out as they are 116
  • It doesn't look good, try to get them fixed first before mailing them out 16
  • 2021-09-03
  • 132 votes
{'title': 'August print reward technical issue', 'choices': [{'text': 'They look fine, mail them out as they are', 'votes': 116}, {'text': "It doesn't look good, try to get them fixed first before mailing them out", 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 3, 23, 50, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 132}



Hey again! Thanks for all the response to this! Even though most of everyone seemed fine with the prints as they are, I still couldn't get over what was bothering me so I went ahead and talked with the printer to get it fixed. New prints are *finally* on their way so as soon as they arrive I'll send out rewards asap! We already packed and shipped the sticker-only rewards so anyone in that tier should have received their rewards by now, or they should be on their way!

Thank you so much for your patience!!


Hey everyone!

So unfortunately I've been dealing with a handful of issues from the printer for August's print rewards. When I ordered them they were supposed to be glossy on both sides but they arrived with only one side glossed. Another issue is that they were all printed with a fuzzy black halo in the artwork. I messaged the printer about these issues mid-August to get these fixed but they have ghosted me ever since OTL just yesterday I suddenly received another batch of prints in the mail (that they sent without warning...) and the gloss issue was fixed but they still have the halo. I'm.... beyond frustrated lmao

At this point I cant tell if this "halo" issue is even that big of a deal? I could just be picky because I'm the artist and I tend to scrutinize every detail until it's perfect lmao and it's possible that no one else would even notice or care about it. It's also possible that it's *very* noticeable so! I'm at a loss at what to do because I cant just send these out in good conscious without seeing how you all feel about it first.

So here's how the black halo looks. You can see it along the darker figure's shoulders and arms (I originally took these photos to show to the printer when they were only glossy on one side. Since then that issue has been fixed but the halo still looks the same.) Is it really that noticeable? If it is noticeable, does it look bad or is it ok? (btw, ignore the dust;;; that's just from their packaging)

Let me know how y'all feel! If it's really bad I can try bringing this up again with the printer and see if I can get it fixed. I'm ok with that but the only downside is that it might take an extra week or so for me to finally send these out to you guys, depending on how quickly they respond to me.

If this really doesn't seem to be an issue though I'll send them out as normal. Thanks for the help!


Clare Clark

Mmmmm tough. I’d love to receive your intended vision. But I also understand the struggle with issues like this…..😔❤️‍🩹😆


Tbh if you hadn't pointed it out I never would've known the difference. I think it looks totally fine, I wouldn't be worried about it! (:

Ginger Lunas

I see what you mean its like the edges were blended for some reason its not terrible but I probably wouldnt have noticed it


I definitely see what you mean, personally I’d be happy to wait if it means getting them the way you intended them :) This would probably bother me too tbh haha


I wanna see the person’s face at the print shop when they get things like this.


I do notice it, but it seems much better on the glossy version as everything seems darker overall which helps hide it. Makes it look semi-intentional.


Tbh I'm really appreciative you fixed them because I really loved the design of this print. Thank you for your efforts in guaranteeing we receive high quality products.