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it's like he's looking at an embarrassing photo of himself from when he was a teenage dirtbag

(it's so hard to draw in my gross old style but one thing I like is the way I drew the lines around the eyes so I still kinda retain that! !) 




The first time I found you was on y!gallery with these comics -- I /adored/ them and read them over and over, and it has been amazing to watch your art style evolve and continue to do so. That was where I first saw Paris (Gianno) and "fell in love" with him. I am not blowing air up your ass when I say you are truly an amazing artist and so excited to be able to witness and support you. So thank you for being you, and being courageous enough to share your work with us all. 😊


Aw thanks!! Those comics were so awful in so many ways lmao but thank you for following me this long~ Paris' real name has even changed to Erik now but I don't think I've mentioned that anywhere recently O: Just a little fun fact!