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Ryder: "wtf are you doing?!?"
Ragnok: "t h r i v i n g"


[18+] drama, dark fantasy
CW: swearing, drug use, nudity, graphic sex, violence, death, gore, disturbing imagery

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Hellion's Den



Fae ✨

Little kitty mouth bastard just wants some dramatics! ✨


Something tells me stopping Ragnok from being murdered is gonna be an uphill battle. Like those escort missions in RE4, except with a hot bastard.


What is he doing? He's being a little shit. A precious little shit with a perfect face to punch. Gotta love 'em.

Daniel Sanders

“YoU sAiD yOu WaNtEd To PrOtEcT mE. sO DO THAT😃”