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Hey everyone! Since the year is almost up, I've been thinking about what to do for future tier rewards. I've really enjoyed doing sticker rewards this past year and I want to continue doing stickers but also offer something new like art prints! So here's my idea:

At the end of the month I'll open a poll with WIPs of different illustrations (probably starting with just 3 WIPs and I'll add more over time) and anyone in the $3+ tiers can vote. The winner will be finished as a full illustration accessible to anyone pledging $3+ the following month (so if I did a poll in december, it would be to vote on january's illustration). That full illustration will be made into a mini print for the $7+ tiers and the character in the illustration will be made into a sticker for the $9 tier.

Comics would continue as they are of course. I think the easiest way to juggle all of this would be for me to dedicate the first week of the month to working on stickers/prints/illustration (so no comic updates for the first week) and then focus on comics for the rest of the month. That's kind of what I'm already doing by accident because holidays have been hectic but if I set up my schedule this way it will feel more consistent~

Here's an example of what the scheduling might look like with polls + when rewards are ordered and sent out. The orange and blue areas are mostly for me so I can separate my work between comics and illustrations/merch. It's actually pretty close to how it's always been but with a poll added at the end of every month (sorry if it's hard to read my chicken scratch writing;;;;) vvvvv

To get the physical rewards, January stickers + prints for example, you would have to pledge to the $7-$9 tiers any time during January. Just like how it's always been!

I think this would be fun to get more involved in creating illustrations for you guys and it would help make the $3 tier feel more engaging~

So what do you guys think? * v*

Edit: I've attached a file of the schedule example in case it's hard to read on mobile;;;




I like this idea! While I do prefer stickers to prints, I love the idea of you making more prints!! I also like the idea of polls just because I like to feel included lol


Would the $9 tier still include 2 stickers or would it change to 1 sticker + print? I like the idea of polls.


I like that idea a lot! Stickers are easier to display in some ways...? But prints can be displayed more properly like on walls and desks and what have you. Variety is fun imo :3


Oh I love this! I would definitely upgrade to the $9 tier for both!

Let's chill my dudes

So just to make sure, if you want to keep getting stickers you need to upgrade to the $9 tier? $7 wont receive stickers just prints? Also I love the poll idea!


I like that idea!


If I go with these plans then yes~ mini prints would be for $7 tier and stickers for $9 tier!