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He can read the writing on the bolt  👀  👀  👀 it says something brutal? hmmmm maybe it says "whoever's reading this is a HugeAss Nerd"

I've actually been working on the writing system for this comic for years lmao I've revised it over and over and it's finally reached some point of consistency that I like!

The notes about "suffixes" aren't very clear in this but I have like... a whole dictionary written out with rules involving suffixes and possessive pronouns, etc LOL so yeah... I like to make things complicated xD

Oh yeah, and there's a little easter egg in this chart bc I'm a hugeass Fallout nerd;;;


[18+] Macabre, romance, fantasy
swearing, drug use, nudity, teratophilia, graphic sex, violence, death, gore, disturbing imagery

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Read from beginning (CH 03)
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 






an unfortunate situation

Ghost (Rhys)

sorry its not about the page, but did you change your name on here??


I did! I actually changed it around the beginning of the year but forgot to update my username until the other day;;;;


Do you have the dictionary available to view by chance? I would love to look at it but I haven't seen it anywhere ;o;

Allan Meyer

Oh hell yeah love that world building with its own alphabet.


Are those scars on Lyriks hands and arms? How did he get those? '0'