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I've been brainstorming over what to do for July's sticker rewards and I've finally settled on a dakimakura (lewd body pillow) themed design! * v*

There will be two stickers, one is the front facing side of the character ($7 tier) and the second is the back facing side of them ($9 tier). I want to make them as lewd as possible, but haven't decided if I should do full nudity or something more suggestive (will figure that out during the sketching process)

But! I still cant decide which character it should be of?? I'm thinking Jagger (Gomorrah ch3), Benny (Gomorrah ch3) or Erik (human version of Jeriko, he's in all my comics xD Black Salt Asphalt, the bandit in Damsel, etc.... also known as Paris)

Who would you guys most like to see in this dakimakura design? > v>


MagpieCrime Fancy

I'm personally hoping for full nude or at least as much as possible. Also, Benny! Chunky boy needs love.
