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[ Updated with some adjustments~ ]

Hey everyone! So I whipped this up to show a little how my work schedule looks this month. I thought it'd be helpful to know what you get along with your pledge tiers and when comics update and whatnot~

The stream dates are subject to change once in a while because... life just happens! Sometimes things get in the way and I have to reschedule or take the day off due to health/family stuff/etc! But I try to stick to the comic updates as strictly as possible

All green days ($7+ streams) are focused on drawing comics, purple days are for private projects, orange days ($5+ streams) are for sketching/drawing poll winner stuff and yellow days are public streams where I usually do commissions outside of Patreon

Streaming start/ending hours vary but they're usually during the afternoon/evening in PST. They typically last between 4-8 hrs

And Enokan ch 03 should start on the 17th!

So yeah! I hope that's transparent enough;;; If anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to answer! c:




K but I really appreciate your organization wow

Quinn Rodgers

Wow thank you so much! This is quality I love you


omg how are you so organized


This is great. Thanks for letting us know.


K ur iconic sorry