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And that's the end of chapter 2! Sorry for the little cliff hanger, but we all know what's about to happen xD

I hope you're all enjoying this story so far! I'm looking forward to chapter 3 because it's finally gonna get to the smutty parts I've been day dreaming about haha;;; I'm going to take a week to prepare for chapter 3 and to go back and make some edits to these previous chapters (I'll update y'all on those edits later)

So yay! Thank you for reading! <333 Enokan will be back in early/mid September!

(content warnings: nudity, teratophilia, sex, violence, gore, disturbing imagery, character death, swearing, drug use) 

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Read from beginning (ch 02)
Chapter 1 
Chapter 3 




Can’t wait omg


I SAW FINALS AND THOUGHT TOU MEANT OF ENOKAN AND WAS SCARED omg jeri pls you're not gonna vore him


Yes please on the smut please. =3


at least he's got his order of operations correct, good job champ


Ugh. I love the style and colors for Enokan. Now what happens next 👀

Chibi Vale

I’m loving this comic. I just made a very impulsive decision subscribing to this tier from the get go, BUT the coloring is amazing and these characters and their interactions are giving me life! Especially Jeri ❤️