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Paris, get your mind out of the gutter >:T

I'm trying some new things for this comic, color palette/ink-wise, so it's pretty different from what I normally do! I want to spend a little less time on colors and focus more on doing some kickass inks so I hope it pays off, especially when Big Demon Boy comes in heheh

content warnings:  nudity, teratophilia, graphic sex, violence, swearing

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Very affective! I love it


Paris you animal, the plastic bags are right there, ur just gonna push those big long fat boys raw, right into your open bag, without any protection? smh


Really fantastic shades and col- IS HE WEARING CROCS?


im wheezing thr oranges panel is such a "you can tell the artist draws porn"


is he gonna, no, no he wouldn't put the veggies up his butt, right? that's not how he summons Charlie is it? please tell me I'm wrong


Hey Paris, you’re sexual frustration is showing

Tyler Mann

This is a big mood

Tyler Mann

I can't wait to see where this comic goes




Okay listen here you. I work at a grocery store and not a day goes by that I don't think about this page because I too am a cock-thirsty bastard and EVERY. TIME. I ring up an eggplant or bag of two round fruits, THIS PAGE pops into my head and I am very thankful I still wear a mask because I can make all the mildly horny faces I want and it just kinda looks like I'm concentrating/anxious for my break. Also I love this comic and I've read it in full at least three times. Thank youuu!