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Hey guys! So I'm trying to reupload pages that I deleted because Patreon was getting on my butt about violating their guidelines. Apparently if I try to edit an old text post to an image post it just? updates as an entirely new post?? My reasoning for editing old posts was just to reupload these without clogging anyone's feed but turns out it's gonna do that anyway :/

I'm going to be reuploading five pages, two from Jawbone and three from Enokan so sorry for these old pages popping up again on anyone's dash! Some will be censored but I'll have the originals attached to the posts so you can still see them.

As for some insight as to why these pages were taken down. When Patreon originally contacted me about violating their guidelines, they never specified which posts were problematic. I panicked and deleted everything I thought they could be referring to because I didn't know how badly this would affect me?? Turns out none of these pages were the issue so... here I am censoring and reuploading



i like the upload rush its like a little reminder of things ive seen and loved


thank you for saying this, I was real worried I was going to bother people with this so I'm glad to hear that /hug <3

Tami Babi

It's totally cool!


I think they're making their rounds because I just got hammered for a week and a half with a list of things to fix