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so THAT'S where that blood came from, probably (give him time, he doesn't remember much lmao)

the way I managed to get the dialogue from ch 1 to sync with Jeriko's thoughts is very pleasing to me, like just *chefs kiss* totally unplanned but It All Worked Out :D

(content warnings: nudity, teratophilia, sex, violence, gore, disturbing imagery, character death, swearing, drug use) 

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Read from beginning (ch 02)
Chapter 1 



Curtis Charles

how does the demon and hunter friend know each other? Did I miss something??


all the comic has revealed about their relationship so far is they know eachother by name and they screwed around at a cult gathering~ I know everything's still so vague but their relationship will unfold over time c:


Hi! Just letting you know there's no "next" link on this page yet :P