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*rushes in and slaps this page on your feed just before the day ends, panting and weeping* PAGE 06 IS HERE FINALLYYYY;;;;;

lmao this just took a little longer than expected for me to finish but I hope you guys like it! This week is a double update so page 07 SHOULD go up tomorrow but since this one took forever, it may pop up over the weekend instead OTL

I'm realizing that Erik is simultaneously the little man hiding in the bushes in this and Enokan. It's just his THING, I guess.

content warnings: nudity, sex, swearing, drug mention 

Page 05 - Page 07

Read from beginning 




Yesss! Cabin fever strikes!


I'm gonna make a wild guess that tall blond and handsome is gonna eat the peeping tom lol


lmao I set myself up for that one;;;; this comic wont have any vore in it tho (unless you mean eating ass... then.... maybe......)


Oof. That’s a tall drink of water if ever I saw one.