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Reider's losin it, guys

Note: alkeme - alchemy

in this universe that would be the proper spelling. There are/will be other words spelled this way like "Gomora" instead of Gomorrah and "Spajirik" instead of spagyric, etc. This will only pertain to certain words in the dialogue that hold more special relations to places and things within this universe~

Also, simply changing the spelling of "alkeme" is a way of giving myself more freedom to change other details of alchemy however I want so no one can yell at me if things are "inaccurate" LOL this isn't alchemy, it's alkeme! It's all basically the same stuff but with my twist on it which will be explored later on in the story.

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Read from beginning (ch 01)
Chapter 2



Starstar Party (edited)

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2021-09-05 09:14:54 Hey, just lettin ya know I think this page's "next" button links to this page instead of the next one! :>
2018-05-20 16:14:03 Hey, just lettin ya know I think this page's "next" button links to this page instead of the next one! :>

Hey, just lettin ya know I think this page's "next" button links to this page instead of the next one! :>