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some anatomy concept/notes for my mer monsters~ Basically, the male/female sexual organs are combined into one thing that can convert into either a dick/vulva form. The rest of the reproductive anatomy you don't see here would be interior but I didn't go that far into designing those parts kjfdskjf

It's basically?? an extending vagina?? with little balls nestled on the inside that secrete semen so they p much get "wet." If the mer is talented they could probably "shoot" cum or like.... gleek it LOL



Shay Bailey

This is similar to representation of nagas and mers back at Y!gallery times. This might help in drawings but if I remember correct, it was pretty much a slit hiding both sexual organs, you had the Dick of course but directly under it you have the vagina hidden while the balls where nestled in between (which they are super sensitive). Of course the sexual organs are hidden by flaps and a slit much like the labia of a vagina. I hope this helps with your designs. :)