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hey, ya'll~ this is mars B)

I'm just coming in hot with a little update for you all. This month's been a little slow and we wanted to let you all know why!

  • Since Beast of Prey Ch. 4 ended, and you all chose what the new beastie will be, Hydra has taken the time since then to work on monster/character concepts and thumbnails for the whole new chapter! It's going to be SO great, I promise! We hope you can understand the slow progress on getting the new chapter updated each week <3 Your patience will be rewarded B')

  • As for everything else, there's some family health issues going on that has kept us in a little bit of limbo recently. Despite that, we're still working hard behind the scenes to get your rewards and updates out.. even if it's not in a totally timely manner.

  • Lastly, for April rewards, I've already quality checked the stickers & we're only waiting on the prints to arrive! I hope to have those ready to go earlier in the month in May, since I got the last batch out a little late. Keep an eye out for my usual update post in the next couple of weeks~

Thanks for your patience and understanding <3


Jessica M

Don’t worry about being late! I can’t speak for everyone else but I’m willing to wait as long as you need to see more of your work