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I've been experimenting a bit with ChatGPT to help write transformation stories. It's not quite *there* yet to 'replace' me as a writer, but some of the stories we've been coming up with have been fun and as always, with me, there's some twisted transformation. I provided the prompt and the outline for each of these, and it spewed out the prose which I find deliciously purple. 'The Stellaris' came from a dream I had where a woman returns from the stars in the midst of a transformation -- one that will rework her body and mind. 

Apologies if you don't like AI generated stories. DarkWater is NOT being developed in conjunction with any AI, and I promise to continue to post fresh work. ChatGPT has been a great assistance to work out some writers' block issues I've been having. This one doesn't feature any TG, but has female to animal TF.

Stellaris - Book One.

Title: “A Metamorphosis from the Stars"

Raine Monday

As I stood in Mission Control, my heart raced with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. I watched through the towering glass windows as the Stellaris, our interstellar vessel, descended gracefully towards the Space Port. The majesty of the ship never failed to captivate me, but today my mind was consumed by one thought—Emily.

The voices of the control team reverberated around the room, each member meticulously coordinating the final steps of the landing sequence. I listened intently, my ears attuned to the familiar cadence of their instructions. We were a well-oiled machine, a team bound by a shared purpose—exploring the vast depths of space.

As the hatch opened, the astronauts began to deplane, their figures silhouetted against the brilliant light flooding the runway. My eyes darted eagerly, searching for Emily among them. I recognized Captain David Patel, a steady and reliable presence. My pulse quickened, and I approached him, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

"David, where's Emily?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

He met my gaze, his eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and guarded unease. "She's coming, John. Just give her some time."

His cryptic response only heightened my anxiety. What could have happened out there? I wanted answers, but I knew I had to be patient, to allow her the space she needed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Emily emerged from the Stellaris. Her helmet remained firmly in place, the visor shielding her face from view. A peculiar mix of relief and worry coursed through my veins. I watched as she walked down the ramp, her steps deliberate, her body language conveying a profound shift in her being.

Mission Commander Hank Thompson's voice echoed through the loudspeakers, announcing the arrival of Stellaris Flight 3948 from the outer rim of the solar system. He proclaimed that all crew members were accounted for—a formal statement meant to alleviate any concerns. But I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was amiss.

The control room buzzed with activity as the crew underwent the post-mission debriefing and safety checks. I felt like an outsider in my own domain, my attention solely focused on Emily. The ceremony seemed to drag on, each passing minute intensifying my yearning to see her, to understand what had transpired during their journey.

Finally, the formalities concluded, and I made my way toward the exit. As I approached Emily, her helmet still adorned her head, shielding her from my gaze. A mix of relief and worry washed over me—relief that she had returned safely, worry for the changes that had taken place.

"Emily," I called out softly, my voice trembling with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "It's me, John."

Her shielded gaze met mine, her eyes hidden behind the visor. I couldn't decipher her expression, couldn't see the woman I loved. But I refused to let uncertainty extinguish the flicker of hope within me.

"John," she replied, her voice muffled yet tinged with a hint of something I couldn't quite place.

The moment stretched, a taut wire between us. I longed to embrace her, to feel her warmth and reassurance, but the barrier of her helmet remained. And so, we stood there, the distance between us a reflection of the vast unknown that had become a part of her.

The Space Port buzzed with activity as a group of medical personnel arrived in haste, their urgency palpable. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched them surround Emily, gently guiding her towards a waiting stretcher. Fury ignited within me, fueling my need to understand what was happening to my wife.

I lunged forward, desperate to reach her, but strong hands held me back. It was Marcus Chen, the exobiologist on the crew, his grip firm yet compassionate. "John, calm down," he said, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "It's just a precaution. Let them do their work."

My muscles tensed with frustration, but Marcus's words tempered my rage. Reluctantly, I allowed him to restrain me, knowing that he, too, wanted what was best for Emily. I watched helplessly as the medical team encased her in their careful embrace, shielding her from my sight.

Sarah Adams, the flight medic and biomedical specialist, approached me, her eyes brimming with understanding. She enveloped me in a reassuring hug, her voice a soothing whisper in my ear. "John, don't worry. All will be made clear soon, but we need to keep this out of view of the cameras."

Her words offered a glimmer of solace, but the questions burned within me. What had happened to Emily? Why was she being treated with such caution? My mind spun with possibilities, each more unsettling than the last.

Slowly, the procession moved away from the public eye, Emily's stretcher rolling silently down a dimly lit corridor. I strained against Marcus's grip, yearning to follow them, to demand answers. But he held firm, a silent reminder that impulsive action would only hinder our pursuit of the truth.

The corridor swallowed them, leaving me standing alone, my heart heavy with worry. The hollowness of the space around me mirrored the uncertainty that now enveloped our lives. The walls seemed to close in, pressing against my chest as I grappled with the fear of the unknown.

A torrent of thoughts flooded my mind, the pieces of the puzzle refusing to fit together. How could I protect Emily if I didn't even understand the danger she faced? My role as a pilot and systems engineer had prepared me for countless challenges, but this... this was uncharted territory, a realm of apprehension and unease.

With a deep breath, I summoned my resolve. I couldn't let fear paralyze me; I needed to find answers. Marcus released his grip, his eyes filled with a shared determination. We would uncover the truth, whatever it took.

Together, we set out to traverse the labyrinthine corridors of the Space Port, seeking the hidden answers that lay within its walls. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon us, but we would not yield. Not until we discovered the secrets behind Emily's condition and why she remained encased in that helmet—trapped between the known and the unfathomable.



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