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“Now,” she said, sitting down in my lap. “What can I do for you, Sean?”

I smiled. She felt warm and nice, and I liked how her hair smelled.

“Your hair is so nice,” I said.

“Isn’t it?” She turned it from side to side and I could see how lovely it was. She ran her fingers through my shaved pate. “Don’t you just wish you had long hair like mine that you could style like this?”

I laughed at that. “No! Why would I want that?”

She smiled as I took another drink of water. “It’s so soft and smells so pretty. Don’t you think, Sean?”

I nodded, looking at her.

“You are so pretty,” I said.

“Mhmmm.” She stroked my hair gently, tugging it, playing with it. “And you like it don’t you?”

I nodded, staring into her eyes.

“So it’s only natural you’d want beautiful hair too, isn’t that right?”

I nodded. “Yess..wait, no!” That’s crazy.”

“Is it, Sean?”

I frowned at her using my name. When had I given it to her?

“I can tell you like it,” she said.

I nodded again. “Yes, I like it but that doesn’t mean—“

“You doneed a place to stay, don’t you Sean?”

I frowned. She was right. I did need a place to stay. Which reminded me that I needed to go back and try to get my backpack so I could sleep on my sleeping bag—

“Yes, I have to get my sleeping bag.”

“You left it at Mary-Beth’s, right?”

I nodded, staring into her eyes.

“You can’t go back there, Sean. Mary-Beth has closed the restaurant by now. She’s a very dangerous creature; you’re lucky she let you escape.”

“Let me—“

“Mhmmm, drink your water, sweetie.”

I took another drink. It tasted sooo good, and she refilled it for me.

“You could stay here, Sean. I have an apartment above the salon.”

“You do?”


I thought about that. If she had an apartment and I could crash there for the night, maybe I could get my backpack the next day during the daylight hours.

“And you’d let me sleep there?”

She smiled that small smile I was beginning to adore. “Yes, Sean.”

“I only have, like, thirty bucks in my pocket.”

She smiled, tipping the cup to my greedy lips, and I drank more water. “It would be free, Sean.”

I frowned. “Free?”

“Mhmm. In exchange…of course.”

“In exchange for what?”

She smiled. “Well, I need someone to help me here. Sweep up the hair, and work the counter while I cut hair. You know, someone like that.”

I nodded. Something really didn’t feel right. But every time I tried to pull away, to shake my head and get up, the feeling of her in my arms made me want to stay. Her presence, her perfume, and her laughing blue eyes captivated me and held me. I wanted more of her, to kiss her, and more.

‘And…a little bit more.”

“More?” I said. It was like she was reading my mind. I also wanted more, but of her. Did she want more of me too?


“Like what?” I said. I felt dreamy. Floaty. Kinda giggly.

“I need someone to practice on, silly.”

I frowned. “Practice?”

She nodded and smiled. “Hair, makeup, clothes, styling…the works.”

I glanced outside. The werewolf had run off, but I could still hear howling out there and did not want to go outside.

I thought about myself and the way I looked. I’d kept my hair military short; it was easier, neat, and clean. I didn’t have to wash, style, or do anything to it. I never considered growing it out, not since before mom died—

“And you’d ‘practice’ on me?”

She nodded.

“But, I’m a man. And I don’t have any hair.”

She kissed me softly, her lips felt nice, and her tongue darted between my teeth to dance with mine. I moaned, shifting her a bit; she was making me aroused.

“That can be changed,” she said.

I smiled. “The man part? Or the hair part?”

“First one—“ she kissed me again, deeper this time. “Then the other.”

I wanted to say no. Wanted to get up off the chair and get out of this beauty salon. I wanted to go deep into the woods and never return to DarkWater again.

I liked the feeling of her in my arms. I liked holding her, liked when she gave me that small smile. Loved the soft laugh she gave when I said something funny. She had a slight Asian accent that I thought was so cute, so…

“I don’t even know your name,” I said.

She smiled. “It’s Mei.”

I nodded and touched her soft hair, tugging it away from her face and behind her ear.

Would it be so bad? I could always cut it off again.

“Alright, Mei.”

She smiled. “So you’ll let me play with you?”

I shrugged. “I have nothing better to do. Plus I need to get my backpack from the pizza place tomorrow during the day.”

She giggled and stood up. “Okay! Come with me!” She took my hand and led me into the salon.


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