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The next morning, I made a phone call to the hair-dressers. “Bonnie!” I said, in my most enthusiastic voice. “This is Desdemonia Landcaster. I’d like to book some time with you today.”

“Oh, Hi Ms. Landcaster! Sure, I have some time today. What do you want done?”

I put a hand to my head. “Oh, a brighten up, I think. What time can you work me in?”

“One o-clock work for you?” Bonnie said.

“That would be perfect, dear.”

“Just highlights like last time, or full color?”

“Full color, darling. I’m going for a new look!”

“Wonderful!” Bonnie said. “I’ve been waiting forever to brighten that hair of yours, babe. Come on in, and we’ll see what we can do!”

I smiled, and hung up the phone.

Cecilia murmured something under the covers. I caressed her face, and she opened eyes that glowed scarlet. “I’ll be back in a little while, pet.”

She murmured “Ommmm….Ommmmm….Ommmmm,” back at me. It was a good thing I could at least get her mouth to do something than chant, or it would have been a long night.

I put on an old black long cotton dress and comfortable shoes. The catacombs were dark and dusty so I pulled my hair up into a wide bun with a hairband and waddled my way down the back staircase to the catacombs. If there was anything anywhere about The Old One it would be in there. I had initiated the Hypno Virus in the event we didn’t have a better plan to stop it, but I hoped the dusty tomes might give me some information.

With a wave of my hand I cast an alight spell that brought the candles flickering to life. With a breath of wind, the hallways illuminated in soft yellow light.

I smiled. I wasn’t exactly Desdemonia, I was more Sethdemonia, but it still felt nice to be able to perform magic. It was such a lovely feeling, tapping into that unseen power, and releasing it to do my will. What many people didn’t realize; magic wasn’t difficult to use. What was difficult was not using it and keeping the order of the Universe in check. Magic bent the will of the Origin in ways nature never intended, so not using it meant the natural world kept spinning as it should.

I walked through the catacombs, opening ancient doors, and swiping my finger across hidden wards and booby-traps. No one had been down here in decades, and the dust triggered my allergies, causing my sinuses to fill.

If only magic had a way to alleviate a simple runny nose…I sighed.

The stacks were on the lowest level of the catacombs, and I descended the stairs carefully, my chubby arms handing on to the rickety railing that wound down into the depths.

Mold crept along the edges of the stone stairs, moist and thick. I was forced to slow my progress to ensure I didn’t slip and send my roly-poly aged body tumbling down like a boulder down a cliff side. All the magic in the world wouldn’t stop a conk on my noggin from hitting the rocky floor down there.

I finally got to the bottom, and lit the candles around the thick oak door that stood in the entrance.

This was the tricky part. I wasn’t exactly Desdemonia Landcaster. I was wearing her body, and had access to her mind, and had adopted her thought patterns, but the true Desdemonia was in Ernie and this trap might not recognize me for the person I was.

Releasing the trap was simple. There was a certain phrase I needed to state. The magic would categorize my voice, intent, and identity, the spring loaded lock would melt, and the iron rods extending into the door frame would retract, opening the door.

If the spell didn’t recognize me, hidden iron fletched bolts would release from hundreds of holes in the surrounding surfaces, impaling me with not only iron, but a special toxin I’d imported at great expense from Guatemala.

The mages of Hidden Valley knew I held these tomes, and many envied them, so I needed both physical and magical wards around them to ensure they never fell into the wrong hands.

Holding my hands up, I created a magical barrier then intoned the words: “By the flowers of Daerkne, I release thee.”

Closing my eyes against the possible impaling, I waited.

Nothing happened.

“You know, Desdemonia, I wondered if you might come down here.” A voice said, to my left.

Startled, I turned.

Wizard Blackwater stood less than a meter from me. He glowed with blue light outlining his form.

“What’s the meaning of this!” I said. “You were incapacitated by the—“

“I must admit, you caught me in your web for a short time,” he said. “Luckily, I have a certain amulet that resets my mental state if not activated every hour.”

I clucked at that. “Clever.”


“So did you release everyone?”

He shrugged. “No, I see what you’re trying to do and while ugly in its execution, I don’t completely disagree with it.” He moved toward the door, standing in front of it beside me. “Clumsy, yes, but mildly effective. The weak-minded will at least distract the Old One for a few moments upon entrance into this Realm of Possibility.”

I nodded. “So you laid a trap for me here.”

He shrugged. “Not a trap, per se, but I have always wanted to acquire these tomes, as you can imagine. What kind of wizard would I be without them?”

I shook my head. “They were never for your kind. These are Wytch artifacts.”

He smiled. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

“So what, you changed the lock?”

He shrugged. “No, it was deftly laid, Desdemonia, I do give you credit for that, or at least I credit the original Desdemonia…” he twisted his hands in a certain fashion and a portal opened.

Ernest Langmore stepped through, smiling.

“Ahh, I see. You’re in league with The Brotherhood.”

“I think we can agree that The Brotherhood, The Wizardry, and The Wytches should share knowledge and power in order to achieve our goals?” Ernie said.

“Well, the lock wouldn’t open for me anyway,” I said. “I was going to call you as soon as I got back up to the house.”

“Mhmm.” Ernest smiled. “Guess it’s good I’ve arrived then.”

“It doesn’t recognize me,” I said. “Maybe you can trigger the lock.”

“You both will shield—“

The Blackwater and I both spun up shields.

“By the flowers of Daerkne, I release thee!” he said, with a dramatic flourish.

Again nothing happened.

“Damn, I think we’re locked out,” I said. “It doesn’t recognize me in Spirit and doesn’t recognize you in Body.”

“And yet it’s not enough to trigger the ward…” Ernie said, tapping his chin.

“I suppose you two have attempted a discorporation spell to return Desdemonia to her body?” The Blackwater said.

I shrugged. “No…”

“It would take days for the spell to take effect.”

The Blackwater nodded.

“Let’s try saying it together,” I said.

He shrugged.

“By the flowers of Daerkne, I release thee.” We both said at exactly the same time.

We heard the locking mechanism clunk and the door opened slightly.

“Well,” Blackwater said, moving forward. “This is fortuitous.”

With a touch to the Blackwater’s neck, he fell into hypnosis again with his eyes glowing scarlet.

“I hope you understand he was just a useful tool to gain entrance down here,” Ernie said.

“He has an amulet that resets his Mindfulness every hour. Find it.”

Ernie and I walked around the man who was now murmuring “Ommmm….Ommmmm….Ommmm.”

“This guy must have twelve amulets,” Ernie said, pulling each one out from under his robes.

I sighed, opening my third eye to examine them critically.

“Ahh, and an amulet to ward people from removing other amulets.”

“We don’t have time to try find a way around it,” Ernie said. “Let’s go into the stacks and see what we can find before he awakens.”

I nodded, opening the door.

I didn’t exactly trust Ernie, but we did share a common headspace, so I didn’t think he’d use this opportunity to overcome me. We walked around each of the stacks, third eyes open and reading the magical inscription on each of the books.

We both found possible prospects, and opened them at the reading nook, scanning the pages quickly.

After three or four hours, and re-igniting the hypno spell on Ryan Blackwater, we had nothing.

Ernie sighed, slamming a book shut. “Anything?”

I shook my head. I was hungry, and my Eye was tired from scanning the ancient texts and translating them into English.

“We’ll just have to hope the Ancient One is satisfied with the Offering.”

I nodded, wincing. The Seth part of me was railing against hurting other people, but the other two quieted him down and kept his thoughts mostly quiescent.

We walked back out into the archway, and looked at the wizard.

“What do we do about him?” Ernie said.

“Ryan, can you hear me?” I said, whispering in his ear.


“Perfect.” I touched his arm softly. “You like me, don’t you?”


“You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?”


“Perfect. Now, listen carefully…” I gave him some instructions. Then snapped my fingers.

He glanced at me, awake and aware. “What happened?”

I smiled softly to him. “You fell asleep, silly boy.”

He frowned, looking around us. “Why are we down here?”

“You tell me,” I said smiling. “You portaled into my home, darling.”

“I did?” he blushed. “I’m sorry, Desdemonia, I’m not sure what came over me.”
I ran my fingers over the scruff of his face. “No trouble, darling. But I think Ernie would like to go home.”

He blinked again, harumphing. “Yes, of course.”

Twisting his fingers, he opened a portal.

Ernie gave me a wink and stepped through.

“Umm, can I come and see you later?”

I smiled. “We’ll see darling.”

He smiled back. “Okay. You know how to get ahold of me.”

I nodded, and kissed his cheek.

He stepped through the portal and it winked out of existence.

After returning to the main floor and eating a bite of lunch, it was getting close to time for my hair appointment. I put a scarf over my head, along with some dark glasses. I couldn’t have the public seeing my eyes glowing as red as they were. I put on a pair of skin-tight black leather pants, and a gold silk blouse. I pulled out a black feather boa, and wrapped it around my chubby shoulders. I pulled on a pair of ankle socks, then calf length black leather boots.

I decided to allow Bonnie to do my makeup in spring colors, so I didn’t apply any but I did wash my face with moisturizing soap. Spritzing on a bit of perfume, I left.

Several dozen acolytes chanted in the hallway as I passed. The infection was spreading, with more and more converts shambling toward the council chamber. They were drawn to the power of the Crystal, and I would use that when it was time to open the gate. When the crystal wasn’t near there, they were drawn to me, which was an unintended side effect of the infection I’d unleashed.

It was a fairly simple mind device called Obey. Essentially, from the moment it touched anyone sentient, they felt the need to seek out the crystal and obey me. Given any task, they would complete it, and return to the crystal. If not given a task, they would mindlessly shuffle toward the crystal, or me, depending on who was closer.

I drove into town, humming softly. Today was a good day. Less seventy-two hours until the Old One’s arrival, and everything was right on schedule.

I zipped through town, a bit faster than I intended, and old Barnaby Ollis, the town sheriff pulled me over at a stoplight.

“Oh, Desdemonia. Sorry, didn’t know it was you.”

“That’s alright, Barnaby. Good to see you’re being vigilant.”

He nodded. “Well, considering the craziness that’s happening over…hey, you wouldn’t know anything about that would ya?”

“About what, dear?”

“People are getting infected with some crazy kind of virus, then walking over to that old building on Silvery lane. Weirdest thing you ever did see.”

I shrugged. “Nope, sorry Barnaby, I have a hair appointment.”

“No problem, Desdemonia. Be on your way, but slow down, please?”

I gave him a salute, then touched his hand. “Obey.”

Immediately his eyes shone red, and he began to shamble off in the direction of the Crystal.

I drove the rest of the way, and parked in front of the salon. Several women sat under hair dryers, and Mildred Pierce was getting a perm.

“Ms. Landcaster!” Bonnie said, coming around the counter. “How have you been?”

“Just fine, dear. How is your family?”

“Wonderful! Though Frank has that weird, eye thing going around. Do you know about it?”

“Barnaby Ollis mentioned something,” I said.

“Yeah, weirdest thing!” She ushered me back, and took my feathered boa. “Can I get you anything? Water? Tea?”

“Be a dear and pour me a bit of gin and seven-up?”

She grinned, coming right away!”

I sat down in the chair, and she went and made my drink.

Staring into the mirror, I considered the look I wanted. It needed to be dramatic, as I would be the center of attention for the town. But I also wanted to be fashionable, and I was tired of the silver streaks.

“So what are we shooting for today?” Bonnie said.

“Bold, Brassy, Blond,” I said. Let’s go big!”

“Makeup, hair, Nails?” she said.

“The works, darling.” I sat back in the salon chair as she began to wash my hair.

It wasn’t long before I started to feel that strange feeling of another reality shift coming. I’d really wanted to stay in this reality; I still had so much to do! I needed to push the virus out to all edges of town, making sure everyone in High Valley had been touched or recruited. I also needed to recruit another Alpha Were leader to our cause, make sure no one on the Council was wriggling out of the bondage I’d induced, check back in on our wolf pets, and get the venue ready for the Gateway activation. My mind ticked off tasks and objectives, I really didn’t have time for a reality shift.

Remembering what Seth had done last time, I fixed a point in my mind, letting the wave approach and sweep through and over me…

…The smell of rotten eggs, things decaying, and burning rubber flooded my senses.

Stay as Desdemonia. Stay, Stay Stay…

I could see something below me, something with burning yellow eyes that moved, undulated, something that had tentacles rising up into the air, latching onto me and—

Different realities, different times, different entities flickered across my vision and senses. In one, I was Desdemonia, wearing an immense black robe, arms outstretched, power shooting from my fingertips. In another, I was Brother Langtree, chanting in soft tones, scraping dust from the bones of a corpse. Another flicker and I was April, a black silk dress around my supple form, dancing with a strange dark man, grinding my hips against his midsection. Another and I was Seth Atkins, stealing second-base after a passed pitch at home. I could hear the roar of the crowd and see my Mom and Dad waving to me from the stands. Another and I was back in the feral Alpha Werewolf body, leaping upwards onto the leg of the Elephantine creature, black talons digging into its skin as I scrabbled my way up the leg toward the shoulder.

I fought against the pressure, the feeling of inexorable tension, each reality streaking by me. In the distance a figure took form, that of the elephant head but with tentacles instead of trunks, pulling me toward it, pulling me through the infinite cosmos, the realities rushing past. I perceived the tentacle, wrapped around my Essence, pulling me through the multi-cosm against my will. I grabbed hold of it, twisting the force, trying to get it to release.

In the distance the Elephant-thing, trumpeted pain and confusion, opening burning eyes that pierced my soul in a conflagration of light, sound, and energy. I stopped trying to resist the pressure, felt myself pulled toward it, toward inevitable annihilation, rushing through dimensions, portals, planets, realities as this extra-dimensional being with immeasurable power ripped my realities, all realities into ribbons of multi-colored light.

Finally, it released me with the shock of a rubber band broken mid tension, and flung me into a dimension I hadn’t perceived. I tumbled through the ether, space, matter and time becoming physical again, coming to an abrupt halt.

Breath filled my lungs again and I inhaled, panting.

“You okay, dude?” someone said from beside me.

I opened my eyes and saw Jeff and others looking at me with concerned faces from behind a backstop.

“Where--” I said. “What?” I glanced down and saw Seth’s…my hands again.

A crowd had gathered around me. Guys in baseball uniforms; my teammates.

Safe!” the umpire called, throwing his hands wide. The crowd cheered.

I blinked and looked around me. I was at home plate? A catcher in full gear sat nearby, his head bent over. A baseball sat in the dust a few feet away.

“Man, you took that guy out!” Barry Peterson, our pitcher said. “He won’t stand in front of home again!” Several of the guys had come out of the dugout to make sure I was okay.

I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all. I got up, and held my hand out to the catcher, who nodded, and took it gratefully. I pulled him up.

The crowd clapped politely as the catcher put his helmet back on and took his stance again behind home plate.

I walked toward our dugout.

Coach Nichols clapped me on the shoulder. “You okay, son?”

I nodded. “Yeah, just had the wind knocked out of me.” That and reality itself.

“Okay boys, funs over!” Coach said, clapping his hands. “Atkins put us back in the game!”

I sat on the bench, my brain overloaded from everything that had just happened. Derek Metz handed me a cup of water and I drank it greedily.

“You okay, dude?” he said, sitting next to me.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“That was a hell of a slide.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” I said, rubbing my head.

“What’s up with you lately?” he said.

I shrugged, if you only knew. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’re hanging around a lot over at the Landcaster Estate. And sometimes April Landcaster has been at school.”

I swallowed. “Just doing some chores for them over there. Cutting the grass, cleaning the pool, that kinda thing.”

He nodded. “Am sorry about your friend, by the way.”

“Which one?”

He looked at me like I’d gone crazy. “Mitzy? The only one of your friends to turn into a feral butterfly?” He chucked me on the shoulder. “Damn, man, what you been drinking?”

I shook my head. “You know, finals, college applications, that kinda stuff.”

“Where you thinking?”

I sighed. It had been an omnipresent thing before April first came around. Now it was such a thing in the distant past…wait, had I really caused a virus in the last reality that magically hypnotized the entire town?”

After a two run homer, we won the game. Mom, Dad, and Jeff met me in the stands after.

“Good game, sport!” Dad said.

“Yeah, if you hadn’t scored that run, I think it would have been over,” Mom said. “Did you hurt yourself?”

I rubbed my head. “Nah, just a flesh wound.”

“Well, we’re almost to the night when you’re your weakest.”

“Wait, really? When is that?”

Dad looked at me. “Tomorrow night. Why?”

I shook my head. “Well, I’ve had another reality shift.”

He nodded, and looked at Mom. “We figured something might have happened.”

“What’s this?” Jeff said.

“Nothing, man,” I said. “Just…supernatural stuff.”

“Ah, yeah, that doesn’t involve me at all.” He sighed. “Damn, I miss Mitzy.”

“I know, Bro.”

“I think we should get you home so we can talk?” Dad said.

I nodded. “Talk to you later, man,” I said to Jeff.

“Hey, we’re getting pizza. Probably go out after. Hit me up if you wanna hang.”

“I will.”

“No fucking the old lady!” Jeff chuckled, and ran off.

I sighed, glancing at my phone. April/Desdemonia had texted me seventeen times during the game.

DD: I’m bored… when will the game be over?
DD: Bring food Im hungry
DD: And alcohol
DD: What time will you be here
DD: I hate this April gets to go out and enjoy her life and Im stuck here
DD: I love you Hope you know that
DD: If Jeff wants you to go out with him DO NOT GO I need you
DD: Fuck
DD: Ima dye my hair If you show up in the next hour go around back it’s open.
DD: uh oh I just turned myself into fat Marilyn Monroe
DD: Now Im fat Audrey Hepburn
DD: Now Im fat Cruella Deville BRING ME A DALMATION Ima eat it
DD: Aaaand Im fat gwen stefani

I shook my head. How had I come to the game? Mom and Dad were walking away, as if I had my own ride. I went out to the student parking lot and found my truck.

I got in, but before I could turn on the ignition, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Seth Atkins, looked back at me. Strong, rugged, chiseled of jaw, with dust in his hair and grass stains on his jersey.

A headache commenced right behind my eyes. “Who are you?” I said, looking at the mirror.

It did not answer back.


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