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The Dresden Files/Codex Alera is copyright Jim Butcher. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction.

Chapter Fifteen

Thomas put his hand on my shoulder and when did he get so tall? "A powerful Tantric has the ability to cast their soul into anyone of their choosing."

"Okay," I said.

"Spirit is something else entirely. That is what is tied up with your Magic, Harry."

It felt strange for him to be calling me Harry, I realized. I was Lara.

"It's nearly impossible to take someone against their will. That's why she led you through the exercises. All it should have been was a realignment of your Spirit, Mind, and soul, into your body, your Harry Dresden, body."


"Lara decided to pull a fast one, though. Instead of having your mind and spirit align with your Harry Dresden body, she put you in Lara Raith, and performed magic to align your spirit that way. The orgasm seals the deal. You can't orgasm against your will, not really, so when your body does that, when your spirit and soul allows that bodily experience to happen, all three become perfectly aligned."

"So, she just needs to reverse it, put me back."

"I can't!" Harry said. "Don't you see, that's the beauty of it!"

"She…He's right, unfortunately, Harry. If a Tantric Practioner uses the art on themselves, the magic stays with the body. It's why she has access to all your magic."

"Oh, so *I* can put us back, then?"

"You could, if you were steeped in Tantric Magic. It took Lara…what…a hundred—"

"Two Hundred."

"Okay, Two Hundred years to learn how to perform that. It requires a Master level Tantric, and the knowledge is only a small part."

"But if I have the knowledge, like she knows how to use my magic, I should be able to do it again, right?"

Yes, but there's a problem.

"I'm the one that made both of you cum!" Harry giggled with glee.

Thomas nodded. "By bringing you both to orgasm, the magic understands that as 'permission to move on.' So therefore it can't be wrested back from them. You could, conceivably, learn enough tantric magic to perform the same spell, but you couldn't perform it on Harry, it would have to be on someone else. Someone that A: gave you permission, B: would allow you to lead them through the deep hypnotic state necessary, C: permit to access Spirit, Mind, and Soul essences and reorganize them, and D: permit to obtain an orgasm, aligning the three states."

"That's a lot of elements," I said.

"So you see the problem."

"Mab put me back in my body, and shuffles bodies all the time. I can just go to her again."

"It won't work!" Harry giggled.


"Because, Lara dear, you are sealed in that body. You have the White Court Curse!"

"Vampires of any court are not allowed to swap essences, per the accords."

"Not just the accords, brother. Do you know how long I have dreamed of this very opportunity? It was practically handed to me!"

He sighed. "I'm so sorry, guys. I should have seen this coming. I really didn't understand how deep my sisters disquiet with herself had become."

"So, even if Mab knew about it, there wouldn't be anything she can do?"

"Exactly!" Harry said.

I thought about Molly/Maal. I decided not to play that card just yet, however. Best to let 'Harry' think he'd won.

"I think my fiance and I will go back to bed, since you so rudely interrupted our lovemaking. Won't we, sweetcheeks?" Harry gave Murphy a swat on her behind.

She frowned, looking at me. "That's my fiance, not yours!" I said.

"Umm," Murphy said.

"I'm really sorry, Harry."

"Tell you what, let's let the lovely Karrin Murphy decide." Harry turned to her. "Karrin, my dear. Which of us would you like in your bed tonight. Myself? Or the lovely Lara Raith."

She winced, looking at me. "Sorry Lara."

Harry triumphantly put his arm around the woman I loved more than anyone in this world or the next. He leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Oh, Karrin." Harry said. "You've made me so happy. In fact, would you do me the immense honor of being my wife?" Harry pulled something out of his pocket. Something I had purchased a month ago. Something I had been waiting for just the right time to present to her.

Karrin's eyes lit up. "Truly, Harry?"

Harry beamed at her. "Yes, truly. Become my wife."

"I.I.I don't know what to say," she stammered. She looked at me, her eyes in pain.

"Why is this happening?" I said, looking to my brother.

"Tantric, Harry. It's an…addiction. They are so skilled in bed that…well, anyone they have sex with essentially becomes their love slave."

"Can I have a few moments alone with her, please?" I said.

"Of course!" Harry said, beaming. "Take her into the bedroom. Take all the time you need, Lara. We'll be waiting out here."

I took Murphy by the arm and led her into the bedroom. She inhaled deeply, shaking her head.

"Karrin, I know you're in there. Do you see what's happening? This is me, Har…ry. You know that, right?"

She nodded. "Yes…"

I waited for her to say more, but she wasn't forthcoming.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't realize she would do this. I had no idea it would come to this. But don't marry him for fuck's sake, let me have a chance to get this set all right again."

She winced. "I know I shouldn't, Ha…Lara, that you're really you in there, but…"

"But nothing." I leaned in close, whispering softly but urgently. "I can talk to Molly. She's a very powerful Sidhe of the Winter Court. If anyone has the power to undo this, she will, and she owes me."

Murphy nodded. "Okay."

"So you'll wait and not marry…that?"

"Hmm? Oh. I dunno, Lara."

"What do you mean you don't know."

"I just…he makes me feel so…God, so Yummy. I can't hardly think straight. I mean…"

She was acting very strangely. I briefly opened my third eye, and gazed upon her. I could see a laserbeam of power emanating from her chest, from her heart, and going into the other room.

"Fuck, I said. He really got you, didn't he."

"Yeah, he did. Oh my God, Lara, you don't know what it was like. It's like every chocolate sundae you've ever had rolled on top of you and made you orgasm all at once!" she giggled. "He wants to change me, too, I think I might let him!"

I could feel tears bite my eyes. "Don't let this happen Murphy, I know you're in there!"

"Hey!" she said. "I know!" she gripped my arms. "Lara, would you be my maid of honor? Oh, say yes, say yes, say yes!" She hopped up and down.

I sighed. "So there's no chance you won't accept his proposal. No chance you'll wait for me to undo this?"

"Oh, Lara, why would I want that?" she looked at me, searching. "He's so…good at everything. Oh my God, Lara. You just don't know."

I felt my soul shrink inside me, screaming. This couldn't be happening. The one person I thought I could count on, could withstand this. We'd stood against everything; werewolves, fae creatures, monsters of every sort. All erased in a few moments of ecstasy.

"Hey!" she said, brushing away my tears. "Don't be sad. You're like my best best friend, Lara!"

"I know, baby." I said.

"So does that mean you'll be my maid of honor?"

I looked at her. I would have done anything for her, had done anything. I'd kill for her, protect her until the day I died. Even if that meant I couldn't be married to her.

"Of course."

"Oh goody!" She said, wrapping me up in her arms. "Let's go tell everyone, okay?"

I nodded, and hand-in-hand, we walked out into the living room.

"Gentleman, I'm proud to present my Maid of Honor, Lara Raith!" Karrin said, her voice high pitched and full of excitement.


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