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As Mindy had the car drive her to the police station, she called Michelle. She answered with a sleepy “ ‘Lo.”

“Michelle, this is Mind…I mean, Justin.”

“Wait, what? Who?”

Mindy whispered urgently into the phone. “Justin!”

She gave Michelle a moment to process. “Jesus, why you callin’?”

“Justin has been arrested!”

“Wait, but yore…” she had to process. “You mean Mindy?”


“Oh Lawd have Mercy. I didn’t get a chance to get into them files yet!”

“I don’t know what to do!”

“Where are you, honey?”

“I’m heading to the police station to see what’s going on. But if they run Matrix-ID checks, they’ll see we’re in a swap.”

“Oh Gawd. Maybe dat’s the last place you should be then.”

“I know, but I couldn’t very well send Tabbi!”

“I unnerstan’, but honey, what if Leo comes down there?”

“Is he at your place?”

“I ain’t seen him tonight. He down at the club wit’ his hoes.”

“What should I do?”

Mindy thought about it. “Well, the loan info is probably in his office. Are you able to see if you can get on any of his devices?”

“I’ll go check.”

Mindy watched the early morning streets pass by. It was two hours to daybreak and a time when the city still slumbered. 

“Yeah, needs retinal and thumbprint.”

“Figures,” Mindy sighed. “One of us is going to have to be Leo in order for this caper to succeed.”

“Don’t give up yet, Darlin’. I only been in here one day.”

“Even if I could get Justin out in time for our swap back, Leo isn’t ever going to agree if you don’t even see him.”

Someone rammed Mindy’s car from behind. She gave a short scream and looked up into the rearview mirror.

An older vehicle rammed into the e-car again from behind. It was huge, black, with the brights on full. Mindy took control of the vehicle and sped down a side street.

The car followed with a squeal of tires on asphalt. Mindy could see a bald-headed man sitting in the driver’s seat with a black t-shirt.

How had they found her?

“What’s goin’ on honey? Are you okay?”

“I think Tabbi called Leo and told him about me.”

“How in the world she know you dere? You din’t go out and reveal yo’self did you?”

“I had to. The police came and I needed to know what was going on.”

“Oh Lawd, honey. “Mindy could hear Michelle moving around. “Where you at? I’m on my way.”

“Third and Speedway!” Mindy said, as the car sped up again and rammed her hard. This time, her little e-car sped out of control, clipped a pole, and ran up onto a cement curb. Try as she might, she couldn’t get it back into gear.

“CALL THE POLICE!” Mindy screamed and thumbed the disconnect button. The bodyguards were getting out of their car.

Mindy tried to open her door but it was stuck. She tried again and again but could not get it to budge. She rolled over the center console and was able to get the passenger door open. She darted out of the car and onto the street—

Only to be caught by the hair and pulled into a large dark hand. “Hehe girly. You no match for Finn.”

“Look Finn, I don’t know how much he paid you, but I’ll triple it to let me go.”

Finn laughed at that. “Baby, you got more than money, but Mr. Radikal had explicit instruction if you know what I mean.” He opened the back seat of the vehicle. “Get in.”

Mindy sighed, tears springing out of her eyes as she entered sat down in the car.

“Well, well, well, slut.” Came the low raspy voice of Leo. “What have we here?”

“Please!” She said. “Don’t hurt me!”

Leo reached over and grabbed her ponytail. “And you made me such a nice handle.”

The car started up and sped off into the night.


“I had Finn here pull yo destination from yo e-car.” Leo said. “You goin’ to the police department, ain’t you, to try to help your “friend.”

Mindy nodded, looking up at Leo with fear in her eyes.

“I take it, yo frien’ is really Mindy McTavish.”

She nodded again.

He laughed. “You know, it was child’s play to put out an arrest warrant? I just said ma building had been targeted, and how could somethin’ like dat happen in 2024?”

Mindy sighed, nodding.

“The police put two and two together and that equaled Justin Klein. I take it, that’s who you really is.”

Mindy didn’t respond.

Leo laughed and looked out the car window.

“What are you going to do to me?”

“I ain’t decided yet!” Leo chuckled. “I don’t know which I like more; dat you thought you could keep some’ting like dat from Leo, or dat you a man trapped in dat hoe’s body.”

She shivered, but didn’t respond.

“So we go see yo partna. We find out what he knows. Maybe he know where Leo money is.”

She nodded. “And what if she doesn’t?”

“Then we take things from dere. I ain’t sho yet what I do with yo slut ass. Maybe I sell you overseas, maybe I put you into production somewhere. You definitely can’t stay here, dat I sure of.”

“Look, I could make you a painter in the production company! Stephen and I had plans, it’s the whole reason I was reduced! You could be a partner and make far more than the 3 million I owe you!”

Leo nodded at that. “I’ll give dat some thought, slut. Now you shut that ho mouth of yours while Leo closes his eyes.”

She nodded. 

The police station was crowded at this time of night. Apparently, the officers had been doing sweeps of the city for bond jumping, aging parking tickets, expired matrix registration and more. It was nearly 6 before they were able to see Justin. He was arraigned before a magistrate AI.

“Justin Klein, you stand accused of divulging personal information of one Leon L Rampersad. Said information was used in a blackout of his legally owned nightclub [RADIKAL]. Said blackout caused all the guests to leave, loss of income from the nights events, total estimated lost revenue of $112,567. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty.”

The AI actually sighed. “We have evidence you were in the facilities of Apex Electrical and that you were at station 109, isn’t this correct?”

Justin shrugged. “I prefer to speak with counsel.”

“That is your right, you may turn to the console to your right and swipe the screen to begin your defense.”

Justin did as instructed. The setup wizard began and they all waited as Justin was entered into the system.

“Judge, we feel it pertinent to address you in an isolated virtual encrypted capsule. May we have such permission?”

“Yes, one moment while it is created.”

They spoke for awhile inside the special cryptobubble with Justin doing a great deal of talking. At one point, she pointed back toward me, and I had a feeling what the conversation was about.

The judge left the bubble. “Miss Mindy McTavish please approach the stand.”

“Yo Honor, I’m the aggrieved party here, I request permission to—”

“I know exactly who you are, Mr. Rampersad. You stay exactly there.”

I glanced over at him. He clenched his jaw but had released my arm.

After I had walked to the front of the room, he encapsulated us all.

“Ms. McTavish, Mr. Klein states that you have been involved in a ‘body swap’ and that he had used your position as a worker at Apex Electrical station 109 to cause a blackout, and that during the blackout he apparently rescued you from an an abduction by Mr. Rampersad. Is this correct?”

I nodded. 

“You need to say the words, ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to indicate affirmation or dissent.”


“And during this abduction of your person, what was inflicted upon you?”

I shivered. “He tortured me. Raped me, repeatedly. Had his guards rape me.”

The AI showed no emotion.

“Describe the injuries and rapes in detail, please. Be as explicit as possible relating to body parts, appendages, organs, etc.”

I cleared my throat and dictated the information as needed.

“Mr. Klein also states that you are indebted to Mr. Rampersad for an amount exceeding thee million dollars. Is this correct?”

“Well, Mindy McTavish owes Mr. Rampersad an amount that large, yes.”

“Do you happen to know that exact amount?”

“$3,298,567 you’re honor.”

“I see, thank you. You may step back.”

I walked back to a seat.

“Mr. Ramparsad, approach the bench please.”

Leo glanced around and indicating for his bodyguards to approach.

“I’ve asked one individual to approach the bench. Please have your tactical force stand down immediately, or they will be considered a threat!”

Leo frowned, but nodded to his men. They sat down, but alertly.

“Mr. Rampersad, how do you know the accused?”

“I don’t yo honor, Sir.”

“You filed a motion in court to have him arrested.”

“I had info-mation that he the one caused the blackout to my place.”

“And how did you come about such information?”

“I have my sources. They are listed in the document, yo Honor.”

“I see that. Miss McTavish would you like to enter a complaint against Mr. Rampersad?”

I blinked. “Um…what?”

“Would you like to enter a complaint against Mr. Ramparsad for abducting you and performing the acts you listed earlier.”

I swallowed. Glancing at Leo I said…”Um…no?”

“Why would you not enter a complaint? He committed a crime did he not?”


“And crimes deserve to be punished?”


“Do you not accuse Mr. Rampersad because you fear for your life?”

Tears welled up in my eyes. I nodded.

“Please state yes, for affirmitive, and no for negative.”


“I can assure you, Ms. McTavish, that by entering a complaint against Mr. Ramparsad you will be protected. Do you understand?”

I nodded.

“So I ask you a final time. Do you wish to enter a complaint against Mr. Ramparsad.”

“Yo Honor, I is the victim here, not this bitch.”

The magistrate rapped a virtual gavel. “Do NOT interrupt me, Mr. Ramparsad, is that clear?”

“Yes, yo honor.”

“Ms. McTavish?”

“Yes, You’re honor, I do wish to enter a complaint.”

Leo’s gaze could have melted steel. 

“And what complaint might that be?”

“He kidnapped me, tortured me, raped me, repeatedly.”

“I see.” The judge took a virtual breath. “Bailiff, please remand Mr. Ramparsad into custody.”

“Da Fuck you will!” Leo said, and drew a line across his throat. 

Seven men wearing black stood from the audience and began shooting above the crowds head. Leo ducked and his bodyguards covered his exit.

Drones dropped from the ceiling and with surgical accuracy cut down the gunmen in seconds. Within moments, anyone who had held a gun was dead on the floor.

As was Leo.


After the smoke cleared and the bodies taken out, the hearing proceeded.

“Well, that was exciting, wasn’t it?” The AI said, it’s eyes wide, smiling.

“I could be spared a repeat of that, your honor.”

“Right, well, now to the matters at hand. Mr. Klein since the person leveling the complaint against you has been executed for discharging firearms within a federal court, I’m dropping the charges. I fine you $25,000 for the blackout you caused, but reward you $100,000 for your persistence and ingenuity in bringing that criminal to justice. Difference of $75,000 shall be credited back to your accounts.”

Justin looked amazed “Thank you, your honor!”

“In the matter of Leon Ramparsad v Mindy McTavish, I find Mr. Ramparsad guilty of 1 count of extortion, 1 count of blackmail, 1 count of kidnapping, 1 count of Rape — yes, I know he raped you multiple times, Ms. McTavish, but this is just for the record, 1 count of abduction, 1 count of assault, 1 count of battery, 1 count of attempting to bribe an officer of the court, trespassing, loitering, and jaywalking.”

I giggled at that.

“It’s nice to see you smile, again, Ms. McTavish. As punishment I fine the estate of Mr. Ramparsad, $10 million in damages, pain and suffering, or the equivalent legal business franchises Mr. Ramparsad may owe. Ms. McTavish may claim either the cash or the business as she sees fit.”

I blinked. “Thank you!”

“You’re very welcome, dear.”

He “Rapped” his gavel. Court adjourned for the evening until repairs can be made.

Justin turned and smiled. He bent down and gave me a huge hug.

As I stood there, I glanced to the clock. Just 1 hour until our swap back.

Smiling, I kissed him softly.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’m so sorry you had to go through all that.”

“We should have just gone to the police last night.”

He shrugged. “It’s really hard to know. I know Leo had paid off several magistrates, so we were lucky to have one not in his pocket.”

I nodded as we walked out of the courtroom. “So what now”

“Now, we need to give the bad news to Tabbi. And discuss things with Michelle.”

I nodded again, quiet.

“I know.”

“You know what?”

He shook his head. “I just…I know. It’s going to be a tough decision.”

As we drove away in another e-car from the courthouse, I smiled, realizing no matter the outcome, I would be happy.


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