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(This chapter features a rather brutal physical assault and may disturb some readers)

The room was well furnished, at least. King size bed, private bathroom, walk-in closet, newish tan carpeting.

Spray-painted murals covered the walls by some urban artist. Justin finally figured out they were the seven Sins. Lust gave it away with her voluptuous Latina body. Gluttony stood with wobbling thighs as two men pummeled her from front and back, her pale skin contrasting with the mens’ dark cocks impaling her vagina and rectum. Envy was a small Asian girl with flowing dark hair enfolding naked Asian men in her tentacular tresses.

They’d locked the door after escorting him inside. It was a forty-minute ride from the penthouse to what had first looked like an abandoned warehouse in East Los Angeles. Looks had been deceiving as they’d entered a busy nightclub with attached sleeping complex and he’d been led to this room.

“I’ll speak to you later, slut.” Leo said and locked the door.

He glanced down. He wore a white satin bathrobe that had been designed for her non-reduced body. It pooled at her feet, and she had to keep pushing the arms back or she’d be completely enveloped like a monk in a monastery.

The closets were largely empty though a few held some feminine odds and ends. The restroom had garish lipstick and synth eyelashes in a variety of lengths and colors but little else.

They’d taken his purse, and there was no room net-monitor, or even an old-fashioned tv.

He sighed and hopped up onto the bed, laying back.

He wondered what Stephen had meant about having news about the swap. Did that mean it wasn’t going to happen? Were they going to keep him prisoner, try to extract the money from him in some way?

Blackmail was out…Justin’s family had almost no assets. Mom was a schoolteacher and dad was retired and they barely made ends meet in Victorville California.

Could they try to extort the current Mindy somehow? We won’t give you your body back until five million credits are deposited into this bank account? It seemed a stretch, and they had to know Mindy’s options would be far slimmer inside Michelle’s body than they had been in her own.

Would they just kill him? Justin figured if that was going to happen, he wouldn’t be lying down on a king-sized bed inside a Warehouse that had been converted into a nightclub/brothel.

Above Justin, two ceiling tiles retracted and twin drones leveled into the room. They were whisper quiet, and their camera lenses both swiveled in her direction. Then one of them swiveled toward the door, which opened.

A muscular black man entered. Maybe one of the bodyguards, Justin could not tell. He wore a black T-shirt and jeans that clung to every cord and tendon on his body. He smiled. “Well, hello Darlin’.”

Justin frowned. “Hi?”

He unzipped and pulled down his pants.

Justin suddenly realized what was happening.

“Look, I don’t know what you’ve been told but that’s not what’s going to happen,” Justin said.

“Oh?” The man pulled his t-shirt off. His upper body appeared sculpted from dark clay. “And what do you think is going to happen?”

Justin glanced down at the man’s cock which was already stiffening.

He smiled. “Just go along with it. You know you want to.”

Justin pulled his legs up, trying to shield himself with the robe. “No, I don’t!”

The man grinned. “Oh, I hoped you’d resist. I like it when they resist.”

Justin attempted to crawl away, but the man easily grabbed him by the hair.

The drones whispered in close, catching Justin’s face, the other circling around the man’s waist.

Justin screamed as he saw the size of the man’s cock.

The door opened, and Leo hollered “Cut!”

The black man sighed, but dutifully picked up his jeans and quickly dressed again.

Trembling Justin cringed near the head of the bed. 

“You can see, now, what Leo wants from you, Slut?”

“Please!” Justin said. “No, I don’t want any part of this! Where’s Stephen? He’ll tell you.”

“Mr. Oftenthal and I have certain arrangements regarding the use of my assets. He didn’t know about the debt you owe me, or he wouldn’t have taken such…liberties.”

Justin trembled, crying.

“He also told me; you aren’t the real Mindy.”

Justin didn’t say anything, just cringed against the headboard, hoping Leo would leave.

“I need to know the name of the body she inhabits. It’s a bit…important, don’t you think? That you not be subjected to what is in store for her?”

Justin thought about that. The thought he’d suffer at the hands of Leo was horrid, but the thought that Mindy would experience it rather than him…”

“Look, just let me leave, and I promise I’ll get you the money.”

“I doubt that, slut. I doubt that very much.”

Justin shivered, “I swear! I talked to Jessica this morning, and I had a plan…”

“Your plan failed. I know about Stephen Oftenthal. That plan was a dead end.”

“But not all of them would be! Give me another chance, I promise we’ll have something to you by Tuesday, just as you requested.”

Stephen entered then, and Justin fled into his arms. Even though he’d betrayed Justin to Leo, he needed the protection, the feeling of strong arms around him. “Please don’t let him hurt me!”

Stephen took Justin in his arms, holding him tight.

“Tell us what he wants to know,” Stephen said. “We can talk directly to Mindy about this, and you don’t need to involve yourself. Whoever you are.”

Justin looked up at Stephen. “Please don’t make me do that.”

Stephen caressed his face, kissing him softly. “You know what you need to do. Everything will turn out all right if you tell us.”

Sobbing, Justin ran back to the bed and tried to hide under the comforter.

Leo stripped the comforter away. “You’re trying my patience, bitch.”

Justin stared up at them, through tears. He knew what would happen, and it was completely true that he didn’t owe Mindy anything, she had taken his body and not told him about the danger she’d been in. These men were ruthless, each in his own way, and they would extract exactly what they wanted from Mindy, in any way they could.

All Justin had to do was say his old name. It would end.

She shook her head. “No.”

Leo raised his cane.

Justin looked to Stephen, eyes pleading.

Leo struck Justin, hard, across the thighs. “Tell us bitch!”

Justin wailed, shaking her head and running away from him.

The bodyguards entered again. This time with shackles. In a few short moments, she was immobilized.

“Slut, I can keep this up all day. Tell us where she is!”

Justin shook her head, trying to shield himself from the blows of the cane across her thighs, bottom, and breasts. Blow after blow, followed by brief periods of rest when Leo gave him a chance to tell his name. Each time, Justin just shook her head.

Each day was more of the same. Leo would come in and Stephen sat on a chair, watching as Leo worked Justin with the cane, and later had the bodyguard come in, followed by more bodyguards. They took turns on Justin, each taking a different orifice, inflicting new and cinematic ways to break his small body.

But Justin never spoke. He never gave away his name.

After days filled with torture, Leo and the bodyguards left.

“Why?” Stephen said as Justin lay in the bloody sheets, quivering and shaking with pain. She was bruised, broken, and bleeding from everywhere.

“Because, if I can help even one woman avoid injury from the hand of a man, I’ll do it.”

Stephen nodded at that, and quietly left the room


One night as Justin lay curled up into a ball around his wounds, someone else entered and Justin thought it was Leo come back for more.

He opened his eyes, crusty from blood, to see Michelle enfolding him with the satin robe. “Come on, Justin. We have to hurry!”

Bleary, and in too much pain, Justin moaned. “Michelle? What’s…”

“Come on! I had the power turned off, but we have to get out of here!”

Realization crept through Justin’s bruised mind as Michelle helped him to the door and out into the blackened hallway.

People milled about in the darkness, some using mobile devices as flashlights all of them seeking a way out. They followed the flood of people through the nightclub and out into the night. The entire block was down; no streetlamp lit the streets, no neon signs, no lights in windows. 

“You did this?”

Michelle nodded. “Come on! It won’t last long.”

They ran to a waiting ESuv, and got in. Justin’s body sat at the driver’s console and they took off, speeding into the night.

“Oh my God, honey, I had no idea they would do this to you.”

Justin nodded, burying his head in his wife’s lap.

“Which hospital?” Justin said from the front console. Wait, that wasn’t Justin that was…Michelle? So that meant he was lying in Mindy’s lap…Justin’s head had a hard time wrapping around it all.

“We can’t take her to a hospital without revealing the swap,” Mindy said. “Just take us home, love.”

They drove through the night and on into the next morning. Justin fell in and out of sleep as the hours rolled by.

They pulled up to Justin and Michelle’s house, and they both helped Justin up the walk and onto their couch.

Justin panted as they tended to her. She moaned as they applied nutrasalve to all his wounds and eastic bandages to hold them closed.

Mindy helped her into the tub, and washed her gently then dried and dressed him in a light nightgown that was three sizes too big.

Laying her down in the guest bed, she was propped up on several pillows.

“Guest bed, huh?” Justin said in a weak voice.

“Well, I thought it the most appropriate place…” Mindy said.

“It’s fine. The swap is almost over, and we can get back to normal.”

Michelle kissed him on the forehead. “You get some sleep, hon, and we’ll talk about all that in the morning.”

Frowning, Justin sat up, moaning against the pain. “Wait, what do you mean?”

Michelle got that look on her, well, his face when Justin was being particularly difficult. “Look, Justin, a lot has…happened, and we need to discuss it all.”

“Stephen mentioned something cryptic about that too. What’s going on?”

Michelle clenched her jaw. A very Michelle action inside Justin’s male body.

“You need sleep. Stop fretting over everything, we’ll work it out, I promise. We don’t have much time, so you need to sleep while you can.”

Justin nodded, again feeling weak. 

Mindy leaned over and kissed his head too. “Don’t worry honey, we’ll take care of you.”

Justin nodded and fell asleep.


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